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Can't uninstall Forticlient

Forticlient will not uninstall on Windows machine. I have tried deleting all folders, can't find it in registry, shutting it down in system tray, running CMD and Powershell scripts and it's still there. Need to uninstall it so I can reinstall it. Every time I try to reinstall it it says "upgrade" instead of install and it will not upgrade. Please someone help on how to uninstall this. This is the unmanaged version

New Contributor

Hi @Brett_Tracanna,


first make sure that FortiClient is shut down before trying to install. When it is not it will not allow you to uninstall as it is still running.


If there is still no uninstall option you could download the corresponding Forticlient-tools package from the download area inside the fortinet support portal. It contains the FCRemove utility that can remove Forticlient if there is no uninstall option etc.


Hello, I can't seem to find the download to it anywhere can you post a link to it? I am unable to get into an admin portal of any kind. I have shut down forticlient and it still does not let me uninstall


Forticlient-tools is available for download in support portal only. So you would need to have at least one device with a valid FortiCare license to get access.


"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

-- "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

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