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Can not import forticlient connection file

I' ve setup a connection on my forticlient to connect with our IPsec GW. Then exported it to a .vpl file so i can import it into all our other computers forticlient. Now when i install forticlient on an other computer and immediatly import a connection i can import the connection.vpl file with our settings or just add a new connection. When i wait with the import or add connection after the installation and i want to do it later on. Then i cant add a .vpl only a .vpz file?? The only way to add connection is to reinstall the forticlient and immediatly install the vpl file after the installation. Is there an other way to fix this?

Hi ystrobbe, Yes you don' t have to reinstall FC, to be able to import .vpl configs in windows vista or seven you have to run FC as administrator, there is an option in General - Status in the lower right corner to run as Administrator(tested in versions 4.2.3 and 4.2.5) Hope this helps
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Hi joru, Thanks for the info it worked!!!

Does any one know how to import VPL file in Forti client 6 or above i am not able to view post importing through VPL Editor.


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