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CPU usage 100%

Hi,we have a fortigate 60D(FortiOS v6.0.2). Inspection Mode is set to Flow-Based.

The problem is that the CPU utilization is 100% and the device is saturated most of the time.

We have 2 WANs: 300/300Mb/s and 50/20MB/s and there are over 150 devices connected to the wifi and working with google drive,classroom ...


How could we optimize the configuration? Is it possible that this model is not capable of analyzing all this network traffic?


 Thank you in advance!

Contributor II

I suppose you upgraded to v6.0.2 lately !!!

In my opinion 6.x version,  is a very fresh flavor of FortiOS with lots of bugs!!!


If i where you i would roll back (downgrade) to latest 5.6.6


TIP: Never install fresh IOS to production systems, wait time 3-6 months !





If all else fails, use the force !

-------------------------------------------- If all else fails, use the force !

jklapas wrote:

I suppose you upgraded to v6.0.2 lately !!!

In my opinion 6.x version,  is a very fresh flavor of FortiOS with lots of bugs!!!


If i where you i would roll back (downgrade) to latest 5.6.6


TIP: Never install fresh IOS to production systems, wait time 3-6 months !




We originally had 5.6 version and we have same problems...   in fact, we uptaded to try a new solution and because our partner reccomended us this option... My partner says that this FW dont support so many connections at the same time and it is not ready to 300MB bandwith ...   Could you say me your oppinion please?   Thanx!!!

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