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Available disk utilization not enough (AWS FortiAnalyzer)

Hi, Fortinet GURU's

    Could anyone please help me out here? 

    I created FortiAnalyzer (BYOL) instance on AWS and allocated 200G volume for the instance in the first place. Then I created 2 50G ADOM's on FortiAnalyzer. Everything worked fine. Each VDOM was assigned to one ADOM and logs were sent to FortiAnalyzer. 

    I wanted to create more ADOM's with 50G each, however, there's only 1GB available left. I stopped the instance and increase the volume from 200G to 250G and then restart the FortiAnalyzer instance. The weird thing was that FortiAnalyzer didn't seem to detect the increased volume. It still showed "1GB available". 

    What should I do next? I searched some documents which mentioned "RAID". But from my 5.6.5 FortiAnalyzer GUI, there's no such "RAID management" option under "system settings"... 

    Much appreciate for any guidance! 

1 Solution
New Contributor

Hi, all

    I found out the solution myself:) 

    "execute lvm extend disk2" is needed. 


    * Expanded disk space cannot be used automatically.             -----> This is the disk volume I increased.      You may format disk to use all expanded space.                  --------> I can't format the disk     Or it is recommended to add one or more new virtual disks.   -----> This is the solution. Create a new disk and attach it to the FortiAnalyzer instance. Then use the above command to "activate" it. 

    Problem solved. 




I have found this KB Extending disk space in FortiAnalyzer VM / FortiManager VM





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