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Are there any commands similar to Cisco no ip Proxy-arp & Etc.?

I am using Fortiswitch version 6.2 in standard mode.

Are there similar commands in FortiSwitch that are similar to the following Cisco commands?


[style="vertical-align: inherit;"][style="vertical-align: inherit;"]no ip proxy-arp [/style][/style]

[style="vertical-align: inherit;"][style="vertical-align: inherit;"]no ip icmp redirects [/style][/style] no ip icmp unreachable [style="vertical-align: inherit;"][style="vertical-align: inherit;"]no ip directed-broadcast[/style][/style]

[style="vertical-align: inherit;"][style="vertical-align: inherit;"]disable bootp[/style][/style]

My customer has been instructed to apply the above settings.


[style="vertical-align: inherit;"][style="vertical-align: inherit;"]Please help me.[/style][/style]


[style="vertical-align: inherit;"][style="vertical-align: inherit;"]Thank you.[/style][/style]

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SmileStory ^0^
I am the center of the worldSmileStory ^0^

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