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Access host VPN connection on VM Guest.

I'm running windows 8.1 on my host machine and Windows 7 on my guest VM (Workstation 10).  I'm trying to connect to a VPN for one of my clients using an ssl connection with FortiClient  My host connects correctly, and I can ping the client's server.  


When I try to ping the server on my guest OS I get "Destination host unreachable."  It resolves the IP correctly but can't make a connection.  That's using NAT.  When I try to bridge the connection I get "Ping request could not find host..." because it just doesn't work.


When I connect to the VPN on the guest machine it connects perfectly and pings perfectly, but my code won't run through the dev environment.  There are two other devs that had the same problem and their solution was to run the VPN on the host instead of the guest.  They're both running VMWare on Macs though.  I'm guessing there's some magic that the Mac is doing that my Windows 8.1 isn't.


I've been at this for 3 days now.  I've tried NAT and I've tried to bridge the fortissl adapter.  No luck either way.  I've been through every property I can find in VMWare and for the fortissl adapter.  Nothing helps.


Any ideas?  I tried to search but couldn't find anything with "VMWare" or "Virtual" and "VM" was too short.  Sorry if I'm some noob and you've answered this like >9000 times.


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