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Best Practices of IPS Using.

Hello!Can i find somewhere Best pactices of IPS using on Fortigate 100d with good examples?

Like SMB, different types of SQL databases and other well known software.




New Contributor III


If I am getting your point, you are looking for a guide for IPS optimizations. If yes, then you need to consider following things before going to edit the IPS policy as 

1. Client OS types in the LAN as Windows 10/Linux/Redhat etc.

2. Which type of Servers OS/ Services is running on LAN?

3. Which type of Softwares is running on LAN?


For the Example, you have only Windows 10, Microsoft Office, Acrobat reader, and some other software in client machines then you must be select relevant IPS signatures in the policy. There are no benefits to choose Linux IPS signatures.

If there are some servers are running on LAN then you must configure different policy for the Servers becuase here you don't need any Windows Client's  OS IPS signatures. Only you can select Windows Server related IPS signatures. 


This is advised to make a good decision and do homework before configuring the IPS. This will save your firewall hardware resources, Decrease latency etc.



Deepak Kumar


Thanks, a lot !

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