FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 213924



This article contains the lists of resources related to SAML authentication method applied to various features in FortiGate.


It has been organized into four sections that cover SAML usage in:


  • General Settings.
  • FortiGate administration.
  • Outbound firewall policies and proxy policies.
  • SSL VPN access.








A high-level description of SAML is the acronym for Security Assertion Markup Language.

It is an XML-based open-standard for transferring the identity of data between two parties: an identity provider (IdP) and a service provider (SP).


Identity Provider: 

Performs authentication and passes the user's identity and authorization level to the service provider.


Service Provider: 

Trusts the identity provider and authorizes the user to access the requested resource.


SAML Flow when FGT is iDPSAML Flow when FGT is iDP



SAML library used in FortiOS does not support certificates with ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) keys.

That applies to any feature using SAML as the authentication method.


See the list of resources below for help configuring and troubleshooting SAML Authentication in FortiGate.


General Settings



SAML SSO configuration from Web GUI

SAML SSO configuration performed from GUI.

SAML daemon crashing when ECC or DSA certificates are used

SAML daemon library does not support ECC and DSA algorithms.

How to read SAML Debug output

Deep dive in SAML debugs from FortiGate.


FortiGate Administration



SAML SSO for Admins - Azure as IdP
SAML SSO configuration from Web GUI

SAML SSO login for FortiGate administrators with Azure acting as SAML IdP.

SAML SSO for Admins - JumpCloud as IdP

SAML SSO login for FortiGate administrators with JumpCloud acting as SAML IdP.

SAML SSO for Admins - Okta as IdP

SAML SSO login for FortiGate administrators with Okta acting as SAML IdP.

SAML SSO with Security Fabric

Configuring single-sign-on in the Security Fabric.

Configuring SAML on FortiGate displays the error 'Cannot change this setting in SP when Security Fab...

Allow manual configuration for SAML settings when the device is joined to the Fabric.

Set up SAML admin LDAP login on Fortigate (SP) with FortiAuthenticator (IdP)

Configure FortiGate to accept admin logins over SAML with LDAP credentials.

Configuring FortiGate SSO Administrators with ADFS as SAML IdP

FortiGate Admin SSO with ADFS as SAML IdP.

Using single Azure Enterprise Application for multiple SAML Service Providers (SPs) for Administrato...

Admin SSO for Multiple FortiGate Units and a single Enterprise Application in Azure.

Admin authentication with SAML SSO breaks after upgrade to firmware 7.4.1

SP Entity ID empty after upgrade to v7.4.1.

Configure SAML SSO for WiFi SSID over Captive Portal with Azure AD as IdP

This article is a step-by-step guide on configuring and setting up a SAML SSO login for Wi-Fi SSID using Azure AD as the IdP.

Configuring SAML SSO login for FortiGate administrators with Entra ID acting as SAML IdP

This article describes how to configure administrator login to FortiGate using the SAML standard for authentication and authorization with Entra ID.


Outbound Firewall Policies and Proxy Policies



Outbound Firewall Policy with FortiAuthenticator as IdP

Outbound firewall authentication with FortiAuthenticator as a SAML IdP.

Outbound Firewall Policy with Azure as IdP

Outbound firewall authentication with Azure AD as a SAML IdP.

Outbound Firewall Policy with Google Suite as IdP

Outbound firewall authentication with Google Cloud Platform as a SAML IdP.

IPv6 Outbound Firewall Policy with Azure as IdP

Outbound firewall authentication with Azure AD as a SAML IdP for IPv6 traffic.

Proxy policies with SAML with ADFS as IdP

ADFS as IdP for proxy policies.

SAML SSO configuration from Web GUI

SAML SSO configuration from the web interface.

ZTNA Access Proxy with SAML Authentication with ADFS as IdP

SAML authentication for proxy-policy type access-proxy with ADFS as IdP.

ZTNA Access Proxy with SAML and FortiAuthenticator as IdP

SAML authentication for proxy-policy type access-proxy with FortiAuthenticator as IdP.

Unable to match ZTNA proxy policy or ZTNA firewall policy when SAML authentication is enabled 

SAML authentication failing to match group attribute from FortiAuthenticator.

Wireless Authentication using SAML Credentials and Azure as IdP

SAML authentication for WiFi Captive Portal using Microsoft Azure as IdP.

Wireless Authentication using SAML Credentials and Google as IdP

SAML authentication for WiFi Captive Portal using Google Cloud Platform as IdP.

How to configure SAML authentication for firewall policy with Virtual IP (VIP)

Implement SAML authentication for firewall policy which has VIP as the destination address.

How to read FortiGate WAD debugs from ZTNA TCP-Forwarding connection with SAML Authentication

Reading WAD debugs for ZTNA Access Proxy authenticated with Azure as SAML IdP.

Setting up a captive portal for network authentication using SAML and Azure for LAN users

This article describes how to set up captive portal authentication for LAN users in an organization using SAML and Azure IDP.


SSL VPN Access - Configuration



SSL VPN with SAML Authentication with Azure as IdP

SAML authentication for SSL VPN with Azure as IdP.

SSL-VPN with SAML Authentication with Google Suite as IdP and MFA

SAML authentication for SSL VPN with GCP as IdP with MFA.

SSL VPN with SAML Authentication with DUO as IdP

SAML authentication for SSL VPN with DUO as IdP.

SSL VPN with DUO as SAML IdP using Azure AD as Authentication Source

SAML authentication for SSL VPN with DUO as IdP and Azure AD as Authentication Source.

SSL VPN with SAML Authentication with AWS as IdP

SAML authentication for SSL VPN with AWS as IdP.

SSL VPN with SAML Authentication with Okta as IdP

SAML authentication for SSL VPN with Okta as IdP.

Group Matching using SAML attributes for Okta as IdP

SAML configuration for specific group matching with Okta as IdP.

SSL-VPN with realms and SAML authentication

SAML configuration for SSL VPN realms.

SAML for SSL VPN with Azure MFA

Enabling Azure Multifactor Authentication.

External Browser for SAML Authentication in SSL VPN

Using a browser as an external user-agent for SAML authentication in an SSL VPN connection.

How to hide the username/password prompt for the SSL-VPN login portal to show SAML only

Restricting SSL VPN Login portal to only Single Sing-On option.

Dual-WAN SSL VPN with Azure SAML SSO Authentication

Configuring SSL VPN with SAML and Dual WAN Link on FortiGate.

Using a single Azure Enterprise Application for multiple SAML Service Providers (SPs) for SSL VPN au...

SSLVPN with SAML for Multiple FortiGate Units and a single Enterprise Application in Azure.

How to configure SSL VPN web portal to automatically redirect to SAML SSO login page

Ensuring SSL VPN Web Portal automatically redirects to SAML login.


SSL VPN Access - Troubleshooting



Common problems and causes when using SAML with SSL VPN

Troubleshooting steps for common problems and causes for SSLVPN with SAML.

Companion for troubleshooting SSL VPN with SAML Authentication

Additional troubleshooting steps for common problems and causes for SSLVPN with SAML.

Troubleshooting SAML Authentication

Basic troubleshooting steps.

Invalid Certificate for SSL VPN and SAML

Invalid certificate warning when using SAML authentication.

SAML authentication request sent to incorrect IdP

Leveraging Realms when multiple IdPs are configured in. FortiGate

SAML Authentication Cached in FortiClient

SAML authentication prompt was bypassed due to cached cookies in FortiClient.

Group Mismatch with Azure IdP

Azure SAML group mismatch, getting error '/remote/logoutok'.

Groups Mismatch with Azure IdP and default group claim

Azure SAML group mismatch when default Azure group claim is used.

How to check metadata for SAML authentication

Diagnostic command to display SAML metadata to be provided to IdP.

SSL VPN SAML Authentication not working for some users of the same group

Clarification of Azure limit of 150 SAML assertions for group claims.

SAML authentication fails with error 'login page did not respond within time limit'

SAML authentication is configured correctly but the user receives an error when connecting to SSL VPN.

SAML login on FortiClient greyed out

The SAML button is selected, the page does not redirect to the login page for SAML, and the SAML button is greyed out.


IPsec VPN Access - Configuration



SAML-based authentication for FortiClient remote access dialup IPsec VPN clients

SAML authentication for IPsec dialup on FortiClient 7.2.4+ with IKEv2.

Configure Dialup IPsec IKEv2 VPN tunnel with OKTA SAML SSO Authentication SAML authentication for IPsec dialup on FortiClient with OKTA.
How to configure Microsoft Entra ID SAML authentication for Dial-up IPsec VPN SAML authentication for IPsec dialup on FortiClient with Microsoft Entra ID.
How to configure AD-FS SAML authentication for Dial-up IPsec VPN SAML authentication for IPsec dialup on FortiClient with Microsoft AD-FS.
Troubleshoot IPSEC SAML Dial UP tunnel Troubleshoot the IPSec SAML Dial-up tunnel if it fails to connect.