Created on 07-14-2022 07:45 AM Edited on 11-29-2024 01:48 AM By Jean-Philippe_P
This article describes how to enable the use of a google enterprise account for VPN authentication.
FortiGate, G Suite.
When 2FA is in use, need to increase the remoteauthtimeout to 60 seconds, as the default 5 seconds can be too fast when two-factor authentication is in use.
config system global
set remoteauthtimeout 60
Use group filtering (optional).
Demo with WebMode:
Copy 'SSO URL', and 'Entity ID' and download the certificate.
Service Provider Details:
ACS URL: https://<FGT-pub-IP>:<port-ssl-vpn>/remote/saml/login/
Entity ID: https://<FGT-pub-IP>:<port-ssl-vpn>/remote/saml/metadata/
Start URL = to ACS URL
Attribute Mapping:
Optional: Specify additional attributes and groups.
For example: To use a group-name in G-Suite, use the Department field and the value can be the Groupname.
To assign the value for the Department field on G-Suite, go to Directory -> Users -> Edit User -> User Information.
Assign, for example, IT value using attributes mapping Department = Groupname, 'IT' will be the Group name.
Attributes are case-sensitive and must match both SP and IdP sides.
Enable User access:
FortiGate Configuration:
Some images have the username or group name field with capital letters and may not match the config.
In the configuration, keep it consistent, for example: If 'username' is set in Google Cloud user 'username' is in the config and not 'Username'.
Import the Google cert that was downloaded.
System -> Certificates -> Create/Import -> Remote Certificate.
Customize the configuration:
idp-entity-id -> 'Entity ID' copy form google console.
idp-single-sign-on-url -> 'SSO URL' copy form google console.
idp-single-logout-url -> ''.
User saml.
config user saml
edit "gsuite-sslvpn"
set cert "Fortinet_Factory"
set entity-id "https://<FGT-pub-IP>:<port-ssl-vpn>/remote/saml/metadata/"
set single-sign-on-url "https://<FGT-pub-IP>:<port-ssl-vpn>/remote/saml/login/"
set single-logout-url "https://<FGT-pub-IP>:<port-ssl-vpn>/remote/saml/logout/"
set idp-entity-id ""
set idp-single-sign-on-url ""
set idp-single-logout-url ""
set idp-cert "REMOTE_Cert_1"
set user-name "username"
set group-name "group" --> OPTIONAL.
set digest-method sha1
And to use group-name.
config user saml
edit "Your_SAML"
set group-name "Groupname"
config user group
set member "Your_SAML"
config match
edit 1
set server-name "Your_SAML"
set group-name "IT"
Some links contain a special character (GOOGLE IDP links containing '?') and cannot copy/paste the SAML configuration in CLI, as it will break the link as a special character will be missing.
To fix:
The first way: via SSH (GUI CLI Console – do not do the trick and must use SSH).
If the link has a value '?' in the string, then enter the value '?' in the CLI, and enter 'Ctrl + V' before '?'.
Here is an example: set idp-entity-id
To copy/paste: set idp-entity-id <CTRL+V and use '?'> then copy/paste idpid=TENANT_ID_NUMBER.
The second way: correct missing characters via GUI or configure it from the GUI (configure the SAML in the GUI starting from FortiOS 7.0+).
Go to 'Single Sign-On' -> Edit 'Your SAML' and make the proper changes in the strings that are missing characters.
config user group
edit "saml_gsuite"
set member "gsuite-sslvpn"
config vpn ssl settings
set servercert "Fortinet_Factory"
set tunnel-ip-pools "SSLVPN_TUNNEL_ADDR1"
set tunnel-ipv6-pools "SSLVPN_TUNNEL_IPv6_ADDR1"
set port 4434
set source-interface "port2" "port7"
set source-address "all"
set source-address6 "all"
set default-portal "full-access"
config authentication-rule
edit 1
set groups "saml_gsuite"
set portal "full-access"
Firewall Rule Example:
FortiClient Configuration:
Related article:
Troubleshooting Tip: Companion for troubleshooting SSL VPN with SAML Authentication
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