I have an AWS external Alb which forwards external traffic to a pair of
fortinets. There are a no of websites hosted on this load balancer each
redirecting via a diff port. to these fortinets. Each target group of lb
is sending a probe on 8008 to for...
I am trying to view Audit logs for users in FortiManager 7.4.2 like
which user installed a policy or changed an object.where can i find
these ? Do i need to enable any setting for this ? i tried to check in
system settings-> events logs but that sect...
I have configured GRE tunnels with my fortinet cluster which is hosted
on aws...the tunnel comes up and works fine for sometime but then goes
down randomly...when I failover to the other member it again comes up
for a while but then goes down again.....
I have a fortigate cluster on 7.4.2 which is being managed by a
Fortimanager. I have noticed that whenever i create a static route it
only gets copied to Primay Member and the secondary routing table doesnt
change. Is it expected behavior ? do i have...
I referred the following link for fortios 7.4.1 and i am trying to run
config system auto install but this command is not working. Has this
been depreciated ?
there is no alarm in cluster showing it as non syncroutes are added
towards internal interface. coz of different subnets the Firewall
members have different next hops for each interface..so how will route
replication work ?