I am looking for Fortigate firewall buyers guide, most specifically UTM,
Enterprise, Advanced Threat Protection vs manual selection of services.
Is there URL / PDF for buyers guide?
I have fortigate firewalls 200 firewall configured SNMP. I am able to
perform snmp MIB walk but unable to monitor the CPU and Memory
utilization. I have defined the following OID but still doesn't seem to
populate the data, CPU always shows 0 and Mem...
I have Fortigate firewall 80F in production with latest firmware. We
executed vulnerability scan on this firewall and found the following
vulnerability. Backup Files DisclosureDescriptionBy appending various
suffixes (ie: .old, .bak, ~, etc...) to th...
I have 200F single firewall, firmware is 7.2.2 Build 1255.I am trying to
set MGMT as OOB from CLI but the command "config system dedicated-mgmt "
is not available. I was able to do the same on 401E firewall but on 200F
firewall it's not available, pl...
I have setup FG-200 in HA and it's not allowing me to define MGMT as OOB
interface using the following command. config system dedicated-mgmtset
status enableset interface "mgmt" FortiGate-200F-ACTIVE # config system
dedicated-mgmtcommand parse error ...
I am specifically looking for selection of UTM, Enterprise, Advanced
Threat Protection vs manual selection of services etc. I found some
information under Fortiguard Security Services.
Thank You, I have configured but I am unable to define another physical
interface with the same subnet like MGMT interface.Interface Port1 &
Port2 in VRF1. MGMT in VRF 0.I want MMGT to use Port2 as gateway. But it
gives the error as "Conflict with 'm...