Customer Service
Customer Service Information and Announcements
Article Id 194438



This article describes how to check the product life cycle (end of order date, last service extension date, end of support date) for hardware and software.



All Fortinet Products.





  • Select 'Hardware/Software/Services', depending on whether looking for the hardware support dates, the software support date, or the services dates.


Screenshot 2024-09-09 111012.png


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Details will appear.


Some important dates to be aware of:

End of Order (EOO) Date: The end of order date is the last date on which a hardware or software product may be ordered; after this date, the product is no longer available for sale. Fortinet will provide at least ninety days advance notice of the affected product’s EOO date by publishing an End of Life (EOL) notification.

Last Service Extension Date (LSED): The LSED is the last date at which an order will be accepted for a product that is no longer available for purchase or an extension of an existing contract for support or security subscription services. No service contracts may be extended past the EOS date. The last service extension date is 12 months before the EOS date for the relevant product.


End of Engineering Support Date (EoES)Fortinet will provide Engineering Software support for thirty-six (36) months from the GA release date of the major or minor release. Fortinet will also provide 'Must Fix' support for an additional eighteen (18) months from the End of Engineering Support date for software that was supported on or released after August 1, 2015. 'Software Releases' constitute either major or minor version increments and support is provided on the latest patch release of each version.

End of Support Date (EOS): The final milestone in the product lifecycle is the End of Support date. After this date, Fortinet will not sell, manufacture, or improve the product and is under no obligation to provide support services. In general, the EOS for hardware takes place 60 months after the End of Order Date.

If the product is not listed under this sheet, this means that there is no end-of-life determined yet for that product.


The following screenshot example verifies the FortiOS version 7.0. Though it still has Technical Support (TAC) assistance until 2025, the engineering support expired in March 2024. If any new known issues are reported for FortiOS version 7.0, they will not be fixed as the engineering support has ended. To address any potential issues and fixes, consider updating to the latest version of FortiOS to ensure optimal performance and security. Upgrading to the latest version is recommended as it may include resolutions for known issues and enhancements from previous versions.




Download the information to file format: select 'Export' and choose the desired file format.


On the Hardware Section, for products that are no longer available for order, it is possible to download a PDF file by selecting the product. The file contains additional information regarding the product lifecycle, detailed product descriptions, and the replacement SKU for the device.




The account administrator can check the details on End of Service, Long-Term Support, and exceptions according to the contract purchased here: End of Support Firmware and LTS.