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Last activity: Sep 19, 2022 7:56:38 PM
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So my HA setup now works. Details: 2 40F units on verizon DHCP broadbandlan1 => LANlan2 => heartbeat (priority 200)lan3 => heartbeat (priority 100)a => OOB mgmt ( and in vlan2) interface monitoring set for lan1 and wan. I hav...
I'm a little confused about how this is supposed to work. I've found multiple articles describing how to configure the master unit, most of which (including the docs) tell me to reset the slave unit to factory defaults, but then a couple of the artic...
The firewall in question is a 40F running v6.4.9. So the sessions widget is saying: 'Current sessions: 402 CPU: 83.6% SPU: 0.0% nTurbo: 16.6%' The CPU number seems awful high since there isn't much going on at the moment. What has me confused: The 'C...
So, kinda new here. I wanted to block traffic inbound from, say, russia, china and korea. I set up a firewall rule as wan/lan/GEO/all (where GEO was the geographic list). No traffic. So I added another entry as a whitelist from any US traffic, as a p...
Sorry if this is an FAQ - I've not seen any posts that answered this. I currently have a vsphere VM running sophos-utm as an SMTP spam/av proxy, and have become unhappy with the amount of junk that gets through. I've heard good things about fortinet,...
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