FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 304205

This article describes how to process the error 'received notify type AUTHENTICATION_FAILED' obtained when the IPsec tunnel is down.

Scope FortiGate.

It is necessary to configure the following settings when the FortiGate is deployed in the Cloud. If it is the first, run IKE debugs and see the error:

diagnose vpn ike log-filter dst-addr4 [remote-peer]
diagnose debug console timestamp enable
diagnose debug application ike -1
diagnose debug enable



In v7.4.0, the  'diagnose vpn ike log-filter dst-addr4' command has been changed to 'diagnose vpn ike log-filter rem-addr4', and starting from FortiOS v7.4.1, the  'diagnose vpn ike log-filter rem-addr4' command has been changed to 'diagnose vpn ike log filter rem-addr4'.


If the following error is visible, it will appear as follows:


2024-03-12 18:07:06.761429 ike 0:Fortigate:370445: sent IKE msg (AUTH):>, len=240, vrf=0, id=d877b92d9f8675a0/5929808be8170f37:0000
2024-03-12 18:07:06.904098 ike 0: comes>,ifindex=4,vrf=0....
2024-03-12 18:07:06.904935 ike 0: IKEv2 exchange=AUTH_RESPONSE id=d877b92d9f8675a0/5929808be8170f37:00000001 len=80
2024-03-12 18:07:06.905366 ike 0: in D877B92D9F8675A05929808BE8170F372E20232000000001000000502900003408DDB68445805F9546822E9AAED2872950F08084B196277203B901495E095CAC23
2024-03-12 18:07:06.905898 ike 0:MPHASIS-EON: HA state master(2)
2024-03-12 18:07:06.906319 ike 0:MPHASIS-EON:370445: dec D877B92D9F8675A05929808BE8170F372E2023200000000100000028290000040000000800000018
2024-03-12 18:07:06.906950 ike 0:MPHASIS-EON:370445: initiator received AUTH msg <- The Remote side was acting as a responder and the authentication message has been received.
2024-03-12 18:07:06.907296 ike 0:MPHASIS-EON:370445: received notify type AUTHENTICATION_FAILED


Make sure the pre-shared key is matching on both sides. In the IKE version 2 error:  received notify type AUTHENTICATION_FAILED can be because of a pre-shared key mismatch between 2 sites.

In Cloud platforms, other vendors/remote peers sometimes expect the local ID to be the FortiGate interface Public IP. It is necessary to configure the local ID and local ID type in the phase1-interface.


config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
    edit " tunnelname"
        set localid-type keyid
        set localid <(WAN-PUBLIC-IP>


For certain Meraki or Cisco firewalls, the IPsec VPN may not establish successfully until the 'localid' type is set to 'address'.


config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
    edit " tunnelname"
        set localid-type address
        set localid <(WAN-PUBLIC-IP>


If the remote side is another vendor and receiving the same error and FortiGate is behind the NAT device, then configuring the remote-id on Sophos is shown below. The remote ID should be the private IP address of the FortiGate WAN interface.





In case the issue still persists, other localid-types can be configured in FortiGate should the remote peer be expecting a different local ID type from FortiGate. Below are all possible localid-types that can be configured in FortiGate:


  1. auto - Select ID type automatically.
  2. fqdn - Fully Qualified Domain Name.
  3. user-fqdn - User Fully Qualified Domain Name.
  4. keyid - Key-ID string.
  5. address - Local IP address.
  6. asn1dn - ASN.1 distinguished name.


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