This article describes how to troubleshoot IKE on an IPsec Tunnel.
Filter the IKE debugging log by using the following command:
diag vpn ike log-filter name Tunnel_1
For later firmwares, the command "log-filter" has been changed to "log filter"
diag vpn ike log filter name Tunnel_1
Here are the other options for the IKE filter:
list <- Display the current filter.
clear <- Erase the current filter.
name <- Phase1 name to filter by.
src-addr4 <- IPv4 source address range to filter by.
msrc-addr4 <- Multiple IPv4 source address to filter by.
dst-addr4 <- IPv4 destination address range to filter by.
mdst-addr4 <- Multiple IPv4 destination address to filter by.
src-addr6 <- IPv6 source address range to filter by.
msrc-addr6 <- Multiple IPv6 source address to filter by.
dst-addr6 <- IPv6 destination address range to filter by.
mdst-addr6 <- Multiple IPv6 destination addresses to filter by.
src-port <- Source port range to filter by.
dst-port <- Destination port range to filter by.
vd <- Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.
interface <- Interface that IKE connection is negotiated over.
negate <- Negate the specified filter parameter.
diag debug app ike -1 <- In order to do the VPN debug.
diag debug console timestamp enable <- In order to cross check with VPN events.
diag debug enable <- In order to display the debug output.
Starting from FortiOS 7.4.1, the log filter commands have been changed to 'diagnose vpn ike log filter'.
Example below:
list <- Display the current filter.
clear <- Erase the current filter.
name <- Pase1 name to filter by.
loc-addr4 <-- IPv4 local gateway address range to filter by.
mloc-addr4 <- Multiple IPv4 local gateway address to filter by.
rem-addr4 <- IPv4 remote gateway address range to filter by.
mrem-addr4 <- Multiple IPv4 remote gateway address to filter by.
loc-addr6 <- IPv6 local gateway address range to filter by.
mloc-addr6 <- Multiple IPv6 local gateway address to filter by.
rem-addr6 <- IPv6 remote gateway address range to filter by.
mdst-addr6 <- Multiple IPv6 destination addresses to filter by.
dst-port <- Destination port range to filter by.
vd <- Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.
interface <- Interface that IKE connection is negotiated over.
negate <- Negate the specified filter parameter.
Sample output that shows that there is an issue on the VPN IKE negotiation:
ike 0: comes>,ifindex=3....
ike 0: IKEv1 exchange=Identity Protection id=ceb2556bb6a76a83/69eea84d4ce9b6c8 len=108
ike 0: in CEB2556BB6A76A8369EEA84D4CE9B6C805100201000000000000006CCD04DA2FAF085808B8B045C1AE7D3E8A9BECB21CD179AACD8965B038D50A5A9713BCB6C53E5D18F6EE42EB77E8ADC0851783CBC676C7A93F30C0F9DCAC2E097A0E678A42D889777CAFC8DC0FC73C0E9F
ike 0:Tunnel_1:30: responder: main mode get 3rd message...
ike 0:Tunnel_1:30: dec CEB2556BB6A76A8369EEA84D4CE9B6C805100201000000000000006C7417465E8BE5E10828E160CB2ACED88EC9EC68E9C4B84E29743ED43E9723086CADD6EF04768A557744BADE51B4C19645E35B56519BB56CA1800DB16533C40AE802554C8E295986F716B7B3C288704D83
ike 0:Tunnel_1:30: parse error
ike 0:Tunnel_1:30: probable pre-shared secret mismatch
In this sample, the IPsec tunnel has a pre-shared key mismatch. From here, make the pre-shared key identical.
ike 0:Tunnel_1: local:, remote:
ike 0:Tunnel_1: cached as static-ddns.
ike 0: cache rebuild done
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: negotiation result
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: proposal id = 1:
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: protocol id = ISAKMP:
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: trans_id = KEY_IKE.
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: encapsulation = IKE/none
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: type=OAKLEY_ENCRYPT_ALG, val=AES_CBC, key-len=256
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: type=OAKLEY_HASH_ALG, val=SHA2_256.
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: type=AUTH_METHOD, val=PRESHARED_KEY.
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: type=OAKLEY_GROUP, val=MODP2048.
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: ISAKMP SA lifetime=86400
ike 0:46a575d716dbabec/0000000000000000:39: SA proposal chosen, matched gateway Tunnel_1
In this example, the IPsec tunnel has no proposal chosen error. From there, check the authentication and encryption of the IPsec tunnel_1 to make sure that it is identical on both ends.