This article describes link health monitoring which measures the health of links by sending probing signals to a server and measuring the link quality based on latency, jitter, and packet loss.
Link-monitor can be configured for status checks. There is no option to configure link-monitor on the GUI and it can be configured in CLI only. The CLI commands below can be used to configure link-monitor.
config system link-monitor
edit "1"
set addr-mode Address mode (IPv4 or IPv6).
set srcintf Interface that receives the traffic to be monitored.
set server-config Mode of server configuration.
set server-type Server type (static or dynamic).
set server IP address of the server(s) to be monitored.
set protocol <ping | tcp-echo | udp-echo | http | https | twamp>
set gateway-ip Gateway IP address used to probe the server.
set route Subnet to monitor.
set source-ip Source IP address used in packet to the server”
set interval Detection interval in milliseconds (20 - 3600 * 1000 msec, default = 500).
set probe-timeout Time to wait before a probe packet is considered lost (20 - 5000 msec, default = 500).
set failtime Number of retry attempts before the server is considered down (1 - 3600, default = 5).
set recoverytime Number of successful responses received before server is considered recovered (1 - 3600, default = 5).
set probe-count Number of most recent probes that should be used to calculate latency and jitter (5 - 30, default = 30).
set ha-priority HA election priority (1 - 50).
*set update-cascade-interface Enable/disable update cascade interface, default: enable”
[* It is advised to keep disabled as it may cause the production environment down , Make sure it's working before enabling it]
**set update-static-route Enable/disable updating the static route, default: enable”
[** It is advised to keep disabled as it may cause the production environment down , Make sure it's working before enabling it]
set update-policy-route Enable/disable updating the policy route.
set status Enable/disable this link monitor, default: enable.
set diffservcode Differentiated services code point (DSCP) in the IP header of the probe packet.
set class-id Traffic class ID.
set service-detection Only use monitor to read quality values. If enabled, static routes and cascade interfaces will not be updated.
end set server-type Server type (static or dynamic).
Note: Some options are only available in later FortiOS versions.
• The following options are available in 7.0.0 and above:
set route Subnet to monitor.
set diffservcode Differentiated services code point (DSCP) in the IP header of the probe set packet.
set class-id Traffic class ID.
set service-detection Only use monitor to read quality values. If enabled, static routes and cascade interfaces will not be updated.
• The following options are available in 7.0.1 and above:
set server-config Mode of server configuration.
set update-policy-route Enable/disable updating the policy route.
• The following options are available in 7.2.0 and above:
set server-type Server type (static or dynamic).
Consider a simple setup where FortiGate is probing the server via the wan1 interface.
config system link-monitor
edit "1"
set srcintf "wan1"
set server "" <- The server that is probed via WAN1 interface.
As can be seen in the output below, the status is active which means FortiGate can reach the server having IP address
FGT # diagnose sys link-monitor status
Link Monitor: 1, Status: alive, Server num(1), Flags=0x1 init, Create time: Sun Jul 4 16:20:25 2021
Source interface: wan1 (3)
Interval: 500 ms
Source IP(
Route:>, gwy(
protocol: ping, state: alive
Latency(Min/Max/Avg): 0.211/0.585/0.362 ms
Jitter(Min/Max/Avg): 0.006/0.298/0.098
Packet lost: 0.000%
Number of out-of-sequence packets: 0
Fail Times(0/5)
Packet sent: 1472, received: 1334, Sequence(sent/rcvd/exp): 1473/1473/1474
FGT # get router info routing-table all
Routing table for VRF=0
S* [10/0] via, wan1
C is directly connected, wan1
When WAN1 goes down or the ping server is not reachable, the default route is removed from the routing table.
FGT # diagnose sys link-monitor status
Link Monitor: 1, Status: die, Server num(1), Flags=0x9 init, Create time: Sun Jul 4 16:20:25 2021
Source interface: wan1 (3)
Interval: 500 ms
Source IP(
Route:>, gwy(
protocol: ping, state: die
Packet lost: 5.000%
Number of out-of-sequence packets: 0
Recovery times(0/5) Fail Times(1/5)
Packet sent: 2128, received: 1983, Sequence(sent/rcvd/exp): 2129/2122/2123
As can be seen in the output below, the default route is removed from the routing table due to link monitor failure.
FGT # get router info routing-table all
Routing table for VRF=0
C is directly connected, wan1
When the ping server is reachable and the link monitor is restored, the default route is installed again.
Link-Monitor will remove only the Static and Policy Route, not the Directly Connected Route.
In order to prevent link-monitor from removing the default route, the following command can be used.
config router static
edit "1"
set link-monitor-exempt enable <- The default is 'disable'.
Starting FortiOS 7.0.1, it was added the option to disable updating policy routes when the link health monitor fails:
config system link-monitor
edit "1"
set update-policy-route disable
It is possible to add multiple servers to avoid false positives caused by monitoring a single IP address.
config system link-monitor
edit "1"
set server "" "" ""
Reachability over the link is regarded as satisfactory even if only one probe server is in an 'alive' state when many probe servers are set up as described.
The logs can be viewed on FortiGate under Log & Report -> Events -> System Events.
date=2021-07-04 time=16:21:41 eventtime=1625408501933624821 tz="+0200" logid="0100022922" type="event" subtype="system" level="warning" vd="root" logdesc="Link monitor status" name="1" interface="wan1" probeproto="ping" msg="Link Monitor changed state from alive to die, protocol: ping."
date=2021-07-04 time=16:20:25 eventtime=1625408425881086208 tz="+0200" logid="0100022922" type="event" subtype="system" level="notice" vd="root" logdesc="Link monitor status" name="1" interface="wan1" probeproto="ping" msg="Link Monitor initial state is alive, protocol: ping"
Related document:
Config System link monitor
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