FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 291086
Description This article describes how to identify the category of a website or domain. This step is crucial for effectively utilizing the web filter feature in FortiGate.
Scope FortiOS, FortiGate, Web Filter, FortiGuard.

Users may be uncertain about the category of a specific website or domain while configuring the web filter in FortiGate.


To instantly query the category of a website or domain, use the FortiGuard web filter lookup tool.


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  1. Enter the website or domain and select the relevant FortiOS version.


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  1. Press Enter or select the 'Search' button to display the relevant category. It is highly recommended to verify this information when configuring Web filtering on FortiGate to avoid blocking websites the business needs access to:


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It can also be viewed from the FortiGate GUI as well.


Make sure that the FortiGate can connect to the FortiGuard server for the Lookup Rating to be successful.

Navigate to Security Profiles -> Web Rating Overrides -> Select Create New -> Enter the URL and select Lookup Rating to view the category and subcategory it belongs to.



In any of the policies, make sure to apply a web filter profile in which a FortiGuard category-based filter is enabled to use this web rating service.


If a website is incorrectly rated, submit the URL along with a contact email address to be notified of any revision updates.

Here is the link for the URL review request:


Related article:

Technical Tip: FortiGuard rating unavailable in web Rating Overrides