Hi All, Has anyone run into a problem with Fortigate(60E v 6.23) where
an outgoing policy is set to use Dynamic NAT but still leaves the FW
NATed with the IP of the Outgoing Interface. This is the Policy:set name
"Out_Test" set uuid xxxxxxxxxxxxxx se...
I am running a 500D HA setup at my production site and a single 500D at
my backup site. All 3 devices are running 5.6.3 build 1547. Questions:
Do people upgrade just because a newer version is available or do you
only upgrade for vulnerabilities or n...
I have two tunnels created and working well. I need to add a Phase 2
Selector to each tunnel. Will this cause the tunnels to go down or can I
safely do this without causing down time? Thank you,Coreyc
I have a site to site tunnel that is up and connecting and kind of
passing traffic. Fortigate - Internal pc's NATd to, ASA - Internal servers,,,192.168....
I have 3 Fortigate 60E devices. These devices are setup for use as vpn
tunnels over private circuits between sites. In the DNS tab I have
specified two internal DNS servers and my domain. All 3 devices continue
to send dns requests out to the Fortiga...
I need to connect the device to a core switch on the internal side with
2 ip's from the subnet(1.10, and 1.X) and on the external
side I need to connect it to 2 different ELAN switches with each
interface having an ip address in the 21.X ...