Ladies and Gentlemen: Got a problem that I suspect others have run
into... A user of mine keeps getting a "URL blocked by Forticlient"
error when she tries to connect to the Internet at hotels or airport
lounges. The funny thing is, she's the only us...
Just managing it from the FortiGate without EMS. I took a look at the
FortiClient Compliance Profile that's being applied, and there's nothing
in there about a web filter profile (the FortiGate's running 6.0.8).
However, I did notice that she has an ...
tanr wrote:I'm not too familiar with FortiClient OffNet handling, but
just wanted to make sure her client is set up to allow "Unrated"? In
case this is not a FortiGuard connection issue. Is it possible her
machine somehow got set to use a custom port...