Hello All, I have a question if you can help me. I manage the security
of a computer park of more than [style="background-color:
#888888;"]1000[/style] users, I want to use a fortigate to manage all
the authorizations, access... and use all the funct...
Hello,I have a question in relation to the fortimanager, I have several
UTMs on different sites and that are managed by the local IT but with a
user profile with only the rights to modify the Webfilter and to consult
the logs. When adding the UTM to ...
Hello,we want to have a VM to recover 50GB / day with a 40T storage of
logs. We need the pre-requisites (CPU, Memory ...) required for this VM
for correct operation ? thank you in advance.Best regards,Hicham.
Hello,We have a major issue regarding the Fortigate 100D CPU exceeding
60% and impact the internet usage, people can’t browse as they did
before the 27th of March, we looked all over the place to find a
solution with no luck, however, we’ve disabled ...
Hello,Thank you for your reply.It will be used in local VM environment,
we will connect 50 UTM (Fortigat 100D, 80D) and that it will be able to
recover 1GB / day log of each UTM (Total 50GB / day).Best
Hi,thank you for your reply.It's the Proxyworker, Here is the result for
the command :FG100D3G14829532 # diag sys top46U, 0N, 4S, 50I; 3953T,
1673F, 200KF proxyworker 86 R 99.9 2.0 proxyworker 89 R 99.9 2.0
scanunitd 20246 S < 0.9 0.4 scanunitd 20236...
For complement, The upgrading to 2.5.7 does not resolved this issue. We
are obliged to disable / enable filtering web 3 times per hour to avoid
Slow internet accessibility caused by CPU overloa.