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Hi all,does anyone know what the passing mark is for the NSE7-SDWAN test? thanks
Hi All, I have experienced and issue that I was not prepared to encounter. Here is the scenario: 1000D in HA running 5.2.4Multiple IPSEC tunnels with OSPF running inside Upgrade reasoning:In order to upgrade to 6.0.5, wanted to take the slave out, up...
Hi all, as the headline states, im trying to find a way to show what sessions are on what interfaces when going through SD-WAN member links. There is no way in the gui to see this info. I also want to see with my own eyes if the packets are being loa...
Hi All, im new to FAZ which is running 6.0.4 and i am wanting to see the min, max, avg and peek badnwidth for a given policy in a 24hr report on a per fw basis.does anyone know if this is possible? if so, what would be the Query like? any help would ...
hi all, I setup a raspbery pi2 at my mothers house and would like her to see my pictures on my SAMBA share on my server at my house. Also, would like to access her OSMC rpi2 via both SSH and VNC for debugging and troubleshooting. I was thinking that ...