FortiProxy provides enterprise-class protection against internet-borne threats and Advanced Web Content Caching
Article Id 344130
Description This article describes how to view real client IP on FortiProxy when user is hidden behind another proxy device with x-forwarded HTTP headers configured to send ClientIP inside HTTP headers
Scope FortiProxy 7.0+

The solution below is designed to help find real clientip that is hidden from another proxy that is forwarding clientip inside http headers.


A simple network diagram is represented below:



To view the Real IP of the client which is located inside HTTP headers, navigate to Log & Report -> Http Transaction Log:




In the main view, select Configure Table. By default, it is not visible but can be activated by hovering the mouse on top of it.



Select Client IP from the column options and apply the change:




After this change, the Client IP Column will be visible, and all IPs will be listed here.


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