FortiManager supports network operations use cases for centralized management, best practices compliance, and workflow automation to provide better protection against breaches.
Article Id 242730



This article describes how to set up a custom certificate to use for the FortiManager connection between FortiManager and the managed FortiGates.




FortiManager from v6.2.3, FortiGate from v6.2.3.




  1. Importing the certificates:


Upload the CA certificate under the FortiManager and the FortiGate CA certificate section:
How to import a CA certificate in FortiManager is explained here: Technical Tip: Import CA certificates in FortiManager or FortiAnalyzer.
How to import CA certificate in FortiGate is explained here: Docs: FortiOS – CA Certificate.

Import the signed server certificates (and keys) as local certificates. How to import them depends on the used enrollment method and the specific versions of: FortiManager and FortiGates:

FortiManager documentation: Local certificates.
FortiGate documentation: Procuring and importing a signed SSL certificate.


Starting in v7.6.2/v7.4.6/v7.2.10, the fgfm-peercert-withoutsn command is no longer supported, and FortiManager will always check the FortiGate's certificate for the FortiGate Serial Number.



From version 7.0.12/7.2.5/7.4.3, there is a requirement to include the SN in the certificate CN or SAN.

Error example:

'The FortiManager's access to the FortiGate will be authenticated by the FortiManager certificate. The serial number from the certificate must match the serial number observed on the FortiManager. Could not connect to the FortiManager to retrieve its Serial Number.'




Note: The same error also appears while trying to register a new FortiGate VM to the FortiManager.
In this case, refer to the release notes.

Under FortiManager, the following setting can be used to overcome this requirement temporarily. However, it is recommended to keep
the verification enabled:


config system global

    set fgfm-peercert-withoutsn enable <----- Disable on latest v7.2.10, v7.4.6, v7.6.1 and later.



  1. Configuration.



When the settings below are changed and the end command is used, the tunnels between the FortiManager and all the FortiGates will go down.


Direct access to the managed FortiGate would be required to change their central management configuration accordingly.

The FortiManager certificate settings are only available in the CLI.

FortiManager configuration:


config system global
    set fgfm-ca-cert "<CA_Certificate_Name>"  <- Defines which authority the FortiGate certificate must be signed by.
    set fgfm-local-cert "<Local-Server_Certificate_Name>" <- Defines the local certificate used on port TCP/541.



FortiManager versions v7.0.12, v7.2.5, and v7.4.3 added also the following options under 'config system global':


set fgfm-cert-exclusive  <- When set to 'enable', only FortiGate certificates signed by the CA as defined under 'fgfm-ca-cert' are accepted.

set fgfm-deny-unknown <- When set to 'enable', FortiManager ignores FGFM connection attempts from unauthorized devices.



In some cases changing the following settings is helpful in networks with big latency.


config system dm
    set discover-timeout 15
fgfm_keepalive_itvl 30



To keep the event logs regarding the FGFM connections use the following settings:


config sys locallog syslogd filter
    set fgfm enable


These logs are visible under System Settings -> Events. It is highly recommended to be exported to an external log system or FortiAnalyzer.

For more information, follow the article below:
Technical Tip: FortiManager/FortiAnalyzer local event logs setup for the external SYSLOG server

Example logs:


2024-10-14 10:29:55 tz="+0200" log_id=0002011002 type=event subtype=fgfm pri=information desc="fgfm connection up" msg="fgfm connection to device rhodium-fmgfaz-kvm139 is up" operation="update dev info" performed_on="dev=rhodium-fmgfaz-kvm139" changes="fgfm connection to device rhodium-fmgfaz-kvm139 is up" user="fgfm" device="rhodium-fmgfaz-kvm139"
2024-10-12 01:15:59 tz="+0200" log_id=0002011003 type=event subtype=fgfm pri=warning desc="fgfm connection down" msg="fgfm connection to device rhodium-fmgfaz-kvm139 is down" operation="cleanup fgfm session" performed_on="dev=rhodium-fmgfaz-kvm139" changes="fgfm connection to device rhodium-fmgfaz-kvm139 is down" user="fgfm" device="rhodium-fmgfaz-kvm139"
2024-10-11 17:02:10 tz="+0200" log_id=0002011005 type=event subtype=fgfm pri=alert desc="fgfm device register failed" msg="fgfm device register for device FGVxxxx failed by (don't allowed by settings)" operation="dev register" performed_on="dev=FGVxxxx" device="FGVxxxx"
2024-10-11 17:01:59 tz="+0200" log_id=0002011004 type=event subtype=fgfm pri=alert desc="fgfm offline mode status" msg="fgfm protocol start, offline mode is disable" operation="check offline mode" performed_on="sys admin setting" changes="fgfm protocol start, offline mode is disable" user="fgfm" offline_stat="disabled"

FortiGate configuration:


config system central management
    set local-cert "<Local-Server_Certificate_Name>" <- Defines the local certificate to be used on port TCP/541.
    set ca-cert "<CA_Certificate_Name>" <- Defines which authority the FortiManager certificate must be signed by.


FortiManager side:


config system global
    set fgfm-ca-cert “RootCA” <- FGFM certificates signed by this CA are trusted.
    set fgfm-local-cert “cert_fmg” <- Use this local certificate as an FGFM certificate.

    set fgfm-cert-exclusive <- Only trust client certificates signed by fgfm-ca-cert “RootCA”.



FortiGate side:


config system central-management
    set local-cert "cert_fgt" <- Use this local certificate as an FGFM certificate.
    set ca-cert "RootCA" <- FGFM certificates signed by this CA are trusted.


  1. Troubleshooting:


The following CLI debug can be used to troubleshoot FortiManager tunnel issues. The output also shows certificate information during the TLS negotiation phase.



diag fgfm ?
diag fgfm install-sessions 
<- Installation session list.
diag fgfm object-list  
<- Object list.
diag fgfm session-list 
<- Session list.


diag debug application fgfmsd 255 {filter optional}
diag debug timestamp enable

diag debug enable



diag debug application fgfmd -1
diag debug console timestamp enable

diag debug enable

An external PC, with 'openssl' installed, can be used to verify that the correct certificate chain is used by the units:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <address>:<port>
nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers <address> -p <port>




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