FortiManager supports network operations use cases for centralized management, best practices compliance, and workflow automation to provide better protection against breaches.
Article Id 222998

This article describes how to configure and troubleshoot a FortiManager High-availability (HA) cluster in Manual and VRRP mode.

Scope FortiManager, HA.

Notes on HA modes for FortiManager:

Must be the same between the Primary and all other nodes of the cluster:


  • FortiManager type of machine.
  • FortiManager firmware version.
  • A Layer-2 connection between Primary- FortiManager and Secondary- FortiManager is mandatory to communicate through Cluster Virtual IP via VRRP.
  • If Primary- FortiManager and Secondary- FortiManager is in different locations, then connected via MPLS link.
  • FortiManager HA is using VRRP (As of the 7.2 version) for the floating IP of the cluster members.
  • Each FortiManager that will be part of the VRRP HA cluster must have a valid product license.



Starting from 7.4.x and forward, can deploy through different types of machines.

For example, the Primary device uses KVM, and the secondary uses VMware ESXi. The steps to configure HA are unchanged.



Virtual IP should be the same in both Primary and Secondary devices. (VRRP mode).


Sample Diagram with Port & IP Configuration:




FortiManager HA settings:

Below are the HA settings of the FortiManager HA cluster and its meanings:


Failover Mode:

<Manual> or <VRRP> (VRRP or automatic HA failover mode will be covered later in this document).


Operation Mode:

<Primary> or <Secondary>.


Cluster Settings:

Peer IP: <Secondary FortiManager IP address>.

Peer SN: <FMGVMXXXXXX> (Secondary FortiManager Serial Number).


The below HA settings must be the same on the Primary & Secondary nodes:


Cluster ID: Any number (1-255) can be given.

Group Password: <password> Can give any password.

File quota: 4096.

Heartbeat Interval: <Interval_Integer>.


The time the primary unit waits between sending heartbeat packets is in seconds. The heartbeat interval is also the amount of time that the backup unit waits before expecting to receive a heartbeat packet from the primary unit.

The default heartbeat interval is 5 seconds. The heartbeat interval range is 1 to 255 seconds. Users cannot configure the heartbeat interval on the backup units.


Failover Threshold: <Interval_Integer>.

The number of heartbeat intervals that one of the cluster units waits to receive HA heartbeat packets from other cluster units before assuming that the other cluster units have failed.


The default failover threshold is 3. The failover threshold range is 1 to 255. Users cannot configure the failover threshold of the backup units.


These below settings can only be configured when the Failover Mode is VRRP:


VIP: <Virtual IP address>.

This setting can only be configured when the Failover Mode is VRRP. (Make sure this IP is not used in the network).


VRRP Interface: <port>.

Priority: <1-253>.

Set the priority for this device between 1 (lowest) and 253 (highest). The device with a higher priority will operate as the primary unit when possible.



Optionally, toggle this setting ON to use Unicast for the VRRP message.


Monitored IP.

Configure the monitored IP and interface. Users can add additional monitored IPs by selecting the add icon. (not mandatory)


Configuration FortiManager HA cluster (Manual mode).

On FortiManager-Primary device:


System Settings -> HA -> Operation mode select 'Manual’ -> ‘Primary’.




Configure the following details:


Failover Mode: Manual.

Operation Mode: Primary.

Peer IP and Peer SN:

Peer IP: x.x.x.17.

Peer SN: FMGVMTMxxxxxx8.


The below HA settings must be the same on the Primary and Secondary nodes:


Cluster-ID: 21.

Group Password: Fortinet@Test.

File quota: 4096.

Heartbeat Interval: 10.

Failover Threshold: 30.




On FortiManager-Secondary device:

System Settings -> HA -> Operation mode select 'Manual’ -> ‘Secondary’.




Configure the following details:


Failover Mode: Manual.

Operation Mode: Secondary.

Peer IP and Peer SN:

Peer IP: x.x.x.19.

Peer SN: FMGVMTMxxxxxx4.


The below HA settings must be the same on the Primary & Secondary nodes:


Cluster ID: 21.

Group Password: Fortinet@Test.

File quota: 4096.

Heartbeat Interval: 10.

Failover Threshold: 30.


After configuring the Primary & Secondary nodes of the FortiManager HA cluster green arrows should appear on GUI (Synchronization status).


On FortiManager Primary node:




On FortiManager Secondary node:




FortiManager-HA automatic failover – VRRP mode.


VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) is a protocol intended to increase the availability of the default gateway for hosts on the same network.

The goal is to define the default gateway for network hosts as a virtual IP address referencing a group of routers.


Not only a unique IP address will be declared on each machine (Primary and Secondary IP addresses), but also a virtual IP address shared between each FortiManager (VIP) node.

This address aims to ensure the VRRP availability.


Source address: The primary IP address of the interface the packet is being sent from.

Destination IP address: (Multicast IP address).


This is a link-local scope multicast address. Routers should not forward a datagram with this destination address regardless of its ttl.

TTL: 255.

Protocol: The IP protocol number assigned by the IANA for VRRP is 112 (decimal).

MAC Address in the following format:       00-00-5E-00-01-{VRID}.


Into the below packet capture, the multicast IP address and its mac address in the following format can be viewed:  00-00-5E-00-01 {VRID}: 01:00:5e:00:12.




How does VRRP work:

The FortiManager that gets the highest priority is elected as the Primary. 


The end user only knows the VIP.


When a node of the FortiManager cluster becomes down, a gratuitous ARP (preload the ARP tables of all other local hosts) request is sent by the FortiManager backup to get the Virtual IP address.

The High-Availability principle then is respected.


At that moment, the active FortiManager node gets the Primary role.

However, when the FortiManager node becomes again available it takes the Secondary role of the cluster even though the ID cluster is higher because the VRRP protocol considers the older age value.


Rebooting a FortiManager unit updates the HA roles (Primary/Secondary).


To use automatic failover for FortiManager-HA:

  1. In FortiManager, go to System Settings - > HA.

    As of version 7.2, a new Failover Mode setting is available in the FortiManager HA configuration menu. One can select Manual for manual failover or VRRP to enable automatic failover.

  2. Select VRRP as the Failover Mode, and configure the other settings required including the VIP, VRRP Interface, Priority, Unicast, and Monitored IP.


On Primary FortiManager:




On Secondary FortiManager:





  1. When the monitored interface for the Primary FortiManager is unreachable or down, HA automatic failover will occur, and the Secondary FortiManager will automatically become the primary.




To configure automatic failover in the FortiManager CLI:


  1. On the Primary FortiManager, configure the FortiManager settings with VRRP mode selected:

config system ha

      set failover-mode vrrp

      set mode primary

          config monitored-ips

              edit 1

                  set interface <string>

                  set ip <string>



          config peer

              edit <peer_id_int>

                  set ip <peer_ipv4_address>

                  set serial-number <string>



      set priority <integer>

      set vip <string>

      set vrrp-interface <string>



For example:


config system ha

      set failover-mode vrrp

      set mode primary

          config monitored-ips

              edit 1

                  set interface "port2"

                  set ip ""



          config peer

              edit 1

                  set ip

                  set serial-number "FMG-VM0A1700xxxx"



              set priority 200

              set vip ""

              set vrrp-interface "port1"



  1. On the Secondary FortiManager, configure the FortiManager settings with VRRP mode selected:


config system ha

      set failover-mode vrrp

      set mode secondary

          config monitored-ips

              edit <id>

                  set interface <string>

                  set ip <string>



          config peer

              edit <peer_id_int>

                  set ip <peer_ipv4_address>

                  set serial-number <string>



              set priority <Integer_value>

              set vip <string>

              set vrrp-interface <string>



For example:


config system ha

      set failover-mode vrrp

      set mode secondary

          config monitored-ips

              edit 1

                  set interface "port2"

                  set ip ""



          config peer

              edit 1

                  set ip

                  set serial-number "FMG-VM0A1600xxxx"



      set priority 1

      set vip ""

      set vrrp-interface "port1"



Troubleshooting commands:


On Primary-FortiManager:


With these 2 commands, troubleshoot the status and the configured values for FortiManager-HA:


diag ha stats




get system ha




On Secondary-FortiManager:


With these 2 commands, troubleshoot the status and the configured values for FortiManager-HA.


diag ha stats




get system ha




The following CLI commands help to troubleshoot FortiManager HA cluster issues:


diagnose debug application ha  255

diagnose debug enable


The debug output above can also be downloaded in a txt file:




For example:


The debugging results during the HA cluster build operation can also be seen through CLI.

The below capture shows the negotiation of the FortiManager HA cluster from the primary node.

The same operation can also be performed on the secondary node.




VRRP/Manual synchronization debug results

Below are examples of output results of the HA cluster synchronization in VRRP mode on FortiManager.

These debug are similar for HA configured in ‘manual mode’.

VRRP debugs on Primary node:




VRRP debugs on Secondary node:




Once the HA cluster is built and synchronized, keepalive messages are sent between both nodes on the port chosen for this purpose:




On FortiGate central management, two Serial Numbers are configured (Both SNs belong to each FortiManager node of the cluster).

Both HA manual and VRRP modes use two Serial numbers.




If a node of the cluster becomes unavailable, the other SN will be automatically used.


Any Serial number will be removed from the configuration of the FortiGate central management in that case.


Related documents:

FortiManager-HA automatic failover enhancement

High Availability

Technical Tip: Firmware upgrade of FortiManager in VRRP HA

Technical Tip: Things to check before FortiManager HA failover

Technical Tip: High level steps in performing FortiManager HA manual failover test

Technical Tip: FortiManager Geo-redundant HA with VRRP Firmware Upgrade Behavior

Technical Tip: Best practice when replacing a FortiManager 

Technical Tip: FortiManager HA failover guide 

Troubleshooting Tip: FortiManager failed to form HA cluster due to ADOM corrupted