FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 212759
Description This article describes how to troubleshoot error -7650 (in CLI) or Internal server error (in GUI) seen when activating a new FortiToken Mobile.
Scope FortiGate 6.x.

If importing the license is done from GUI, the error 'Internal server error' will appear.

Import it over CLI and run some debug:


diagnose debug console timestamp enable
diagnose debug application forticldd -1
diagnose debug application alert -1
diagnose fortitoken debug enable
diagnose debug enable
execute fortitoken-mobile import <ActivationCodeFromRedemptionCertificate>


If the output is something like:


2022-05-17 13:41:54 ftm_cfg_import_license[321]:import license abcd-efgh-1234-5678-9101
2022-05-17 13:41:55 ftm_fc_comm_connect[55]:ftm TCPS connected.2022-05-17 13:41:55 ftm_fc_comm_send_request[117]:send packet success.

POST /SoftToken/Provisioning.asmx/Process HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*, q=0.01
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
Content-Length: 246
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache

{ "d": { "__type": "SoftToken.ActivationLicenseRequest", "__version": "4", "license_activation_code": "abcd-efgh-1234-5678-9101", "serial_number": "FGT60XTK00000000", "__device_version": "7.0", "__device_build": "0304", "__clustered_sns": [ ] } }

2022-05-17 13:42:01 ftm_fc_comm_recv_response[266]:receive packet success.

{"d":{"__type":"SoftToken.ActivationLicenseResponse","__version":"4","serial_number":"FGT60XTK00000000","__device_version":"7.0","__device_build":"0304","__clustered_sns":[],"license_activation_code":"abcd-efgh-1234-5678-9101","license":"","tokens":null,"result":0,"error":{"error_code":100,"error_message":"forticare service unavailable"}}}

2022-05-17 13:42:01 ftm_fc_command[615]:received error from forticare [-7650]
import fortitoken license error: -7650


'Forticare service unavailable' suggests that the firewall could not reach the FortiGuard network or the FortiGuard network was temporarily unavailable.


  1. Check if the firewall can reach on port 443:

    execute telnet 443

  2. It is  also possible to run a packet capture when importing the license, using the IP address resolved at 1):


diagnose sniffer packet any "host and port 443" 4 0 a


  • If 1 and 2 show successful communication, try to disable the anycast mode on FortiGuard settings then try to import the tokens again.
  • If it still does not help, raise a case with the Technical Support Team with all the outputs and checks done.

Related article:

Technical Tip: FortiToken basic troubleshooting