We are doing analytics on ADFS logon failures - Windows event ID 364. We
are interested the Relying Party specifically. We want to get counts of
the logon failures by the Relying Party. We can see the relying party in
the raw event message but it can...
We want to use forticlientEMS to block access to Artificial Intelligence
Technology category. This category exists in Fortiguard under General
Instance Business but does not appear to be configurable in the
Forticlient EMS Server. We can block by URL...
Hello All: We want to modify the Domain Controller User or Group
Modification rule to give it a more narrow focus on Privileged groups
only. Has anyone done this already and could share what you did?
I am trying to run the Network Devices Open ports report in the CMDB
Reports but it returns a blank page. We SNMPv3 and SSH credentials for
all our fortigates. Our windows hosts have the Windows agent and OMI
configured.Is something else needed to ge...
I am trying to run the Network Devices Open ports report in the CMDB
Reports but it returns a blank page. We SNMPv3 and SSH credentials for
all our fortigates. Our windows hosts have the Windows agent and OMI
configured.Is something else needed to ge...
Here is the raw message format:"2024-04-03T15:05:04Z ADFS.ABDEF.com celOps-WUA-WinLog-AD xx/xxxx [phCustId]="1"
[customer]="super" [monitorStatus]="Success" [Locale]="en-US"
[MachineGuid]="92bb4a15-e201-4a1c-a415-db27b1ec3e32" [timeZo...