Fortinet Firewall 200FI want to allow each and every page before and
after of I add an entry ** with
Wildcard, Exempt and Enable but I am not able to allow all websites
We want to allow MS Teams from a top Firewall Rule and to allow other
applications I want to forward the request to other Firewall rules
instead of denying immediately
EnvironmentPostgresSQL = 15Patroni = patroni-2.1.4-1.rhel8.x86_64 &
patroni-etcd-2.1.4-1.rhel8.x86_64OS = RHEL = 8.xDetailWe have a setup of
Postgres Cluster with 2 nodes. On top of Postgres Cluster a load
balancer (name HAproxy) is also installed. A...
I want to increase socket idle timeout value only for TCP ports 1556,
13724, 13782 (no need for UDP ports, no firewall default socket value
override adjustment required)
Actually I am facing a lot disconnection sometimes on MS Teams and now
think that I should allow only Teams without applying any AV, IPS or
other Security Profile on Firewall Rule for MS Teams.In short I don't
want to apply any Security Profile again...