Hi,is there any way to get the alert/notification when user logged in
through SSL VPN?usually i receive alerts by email when user entered
wrong password on SSL VPN but i am not getting success login alerts.i am
not using forti analyzer.Any suggestion...
Hi,i am facing some delay when browsing websites, i did some
troubleshooting and found that the DNS is causing delay.the problem is
on the branch office an DNS and other servers reside on Head Office. i
come to know that there is a DNS server in fire...
Hi,i have two NAS servers one is on Site A and the other one is on Site
B. Site A and Site B is connected through P2P connection IPSec VPN.Site
A Server IP: B Server IP: IP belongs to the NAS
serverusers shared folder is conn...
following are the test i have done to block whatsapp web upload.i have
created ipv4 policy and source => => dest => all => security
policy (Application-restricted) => deep inspection enabled.Test 1in
application control policy block colabo...
i have tried with whatsapp_web and Dropbox but none of the
policy/setting is working I am using Deep-inspection Allow
dropbox.Download Block dropbox.Upload it does not work then I have added
Monitor Dropbox download and upload both works. how to bloc...
Yes, i dont have local DNS and here is the config i have done, i have no
idea which interface i have to use RESURCIVE, please advise on the
following config.All the machines has DNS for HO AD, setting on firewallLAN forward...
i saw your post for allow download and block upload for dropbox. could
you please share the solution? because I am doing the same but no
success I have allowed dropbox.downloadblocked dropbox.upload and
otherdid not work.then I have added Monitor Dro...