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Hi all, I'm using a fortigate unit with Ipv4, IP are manually entered in every-one's computer. I have two interfaces, (1) with 10.18.x.x IP and (2) with 172.25.1.x IP. Im suspecting an IP conflict occured on the 172.21.1.x range but when I go to the ...
Hi everyone, I have a web server on my internal network. I can open external access by - creating a virtual IP to do port forwarding (EXT_IP:3000 --> INT_IP_SERVER:3000)- create a policy to allow HTTP request from External Interface to Internal Inter...
Hi there, I'm trying to allow external access to an internal web server controlled by a Fortigate 300D unit.I have a web server at internal address listening on port 3000. Access ok from the network.My network only has one external ip addr...
Hi, I have an internal web server with a fixed IP. The external access is provided by Fortinet router, with only one public IP for the whole network.I want to allow external access to that server (and after multiple servers) with a DMZ and started to...