Hello!I have updated FortiEMS under Windows Server from 7.0.9 to 7.0.10.
But now the upgrade of the Forticlient to the 7.0.10 version does not
start on the clients, in the EMS console all remain on "Endpoint
Notified". The client - server connection ...
Dear Fortinet hackers! Since the update to FortiEMS 7.0.9, I see log
entries like "Network interface change: {00-09-0f-09-00-2f10.200.202.1},
{8c-b8-7e-d5-45-03}, route type: {direct}, action: {connect}" in System
Events for all clients. I would like...
The Forticlient installed on the clients provides the Fortigate with
information such as device name, logged in user etc. via its telemertie.
You can see this information for example in the Fortclient widget. I was
wondering if I can use this informa...
Is there any way to change the notifications that are displayed when
upgrading the Forticlient via the FortiEMS? I would like to add the hint
that the new version of the Forticlient will be installed after the
reboot - unfortunately I see it again an...
Hello! I have a Fortigate with 7.2.4 and many clients that make a dialup
VPN with the Forticlient. Authentication works via XAUTH Radius through
a OneSpan (formerly Vasco) Authenticator appliance - works fine. Now I
have a new requirement that some o...
I have checked these ports again - all are open. Remote registry and
task scheduler are running and the Windows firewall of the client allows
the connection from the EMS server.The upgrade of the clients also
worked perfectly up to version 7.0.10.
Unfortunately, this list is not updated with the user names learned by
the telemetry of the Forticlient. You can see here only the locally
created users.