Hi,Legacy device controlling a simple /24 network using 1 wan
connection.Its https certificate ran from 2002-2014 and has expired of
course.Its internal java is woefully out of date. (can't load console in
browser, but putty is fine) Version: Fortiga...
Existing Fortigate 100A in my office, and I' d like to make some major
changes to the config, but as a proper IT admin, I' d like to back it up
first. But through the web gui or CLI, no matter which of the umpteen
usb drives I put into either usb slo...
And if a hardware upgrade is warranted, something like the 100D maybe?
(Or 60D with under a $1k budget?) One caveat is the overseas HQ IT team
that set the 100A up originally. They are more of an Oracle/VB dev team,
and are very used to how the 100A ...
No, nothing about VDOM anywhere in the GUI. Apparently this box has been
purring like a kitten with uptime measured in years before I arrived. I'
ll attempt the ftp or tftp options.
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