I'm looking at the SSID configuration and I was wondering about
Broadcast suppression - 1.what are the thresholds ?2.I undertand what
ARP poison means (I am a CCIE after all), I understand ARP proxy.yet I
don't understand the following - ARP replies ...
Hi there,I guess I'm doing something wrong - I hope you can help me.My
topology is very simple - 40F managing FortiSwitch POE that has 7
FortiAP connected to it in Local Switching mode.there are 3 floors,
2x831F in first floor, 2x831F in second floor...
Hi,I have 40F as Firewall and Controller, Connected to FortiSwitch, and
has several FortiAP's connected to it.I have 831F APs and 231F APs.for
some reason I see that there are 3 devices that are connected to the 831
which has much bigger distance tha...
Hi,I have 40F as Wireless Controller, with 831F APs connected to it via
POE switch.How can I see which clients were connected via WPA3 PAE and
which with WPA2 PSK ? I'm running the SSID in transition mode.
Hi,I have 40F, connected to FortiSwitch 108F.I'm managing the 108F, and
the FortiAPs connected to it via the controller that exist in the
40F.I've configured the SSIDs to bridge mode, and I want the use the
same VLAN for LAN and SSID.at the moment I'...
I'm looking at the 831F, I have disabled 802.11AX on it, so it will have
802.11AC like the 221F.I see 3 clients connected to it - Client 1 Signal
Strength -91 dBmClient 2 Signal Strength -72 dBmClient 3 Signal Strength
-63 dBm now the weird is that t...
I understand it is not adisavble to mix different APs, unfortunately the
case is that the High Density environment uses the 831 and the low
density (the office next to it) uses 221F.it was a mistake to purchase
221F - I don't have the budget to upgra...
thanks for the suggestion.A question about it.lets say that the user has
connected via 802.11ax which is supported by the 831F and not by the
231F.in case I change the thresholds - will the user's laptop connect
via 802.11ac to the 221F AP ?