Hi. I have a unique issue with a client. They want for normal days
(First part)1 ISP that is used for upload only (Wan1) 1 ISP that is used
for download only (Wan2) Best method to set this up? Then, on streaming
days they want to switch it to (second...
Hi. I have a 90D and 2 x 221C WAPs. I put this in " local bridge" so
that the wired and wireless could be on the same subnet. Ever since I
did this the wireless to a certain IP (outside) is slow. Wired is not
slow at all. All UTM is disabled currentl...
HI. I have a few clients who have SSL VPN setup as split tunneling, and
everything seems to be working fine. However, they would like to be able
to communicate with hosts by just the hostname, not the FQDN. FQDN works
fine, but hostname does not reso...
Hi all. I have a hub/spoke config connected via dialup hub route based
ipsec vpn. The spokes can communicate with the hub, and the hub can
communicate with the spokes, but spoke to spoke cannot communicate. Here
I think is all the necessary config. (...
hmm, I see where you are going. All users, but I believe they upload
strictly through Box over HTTPS. They are a media production company, so
they have very large files.
Yes, my guess is I would have to change the the weight to 100 and 0 for
the other devices so they essentially use WAN2 only. We shall see what
the client thinks. Before they had WAN2 I had traffic shaping for the
streaming devices for guaranteed band...
Understood. I couldn't figure out a way to say if it was upload or
download from the client side, and wanted to make sure I wasn't missing
anything. They are simply doing two wan interfaces that are NATed. NO
BGP. I think just enabling SD-WAN for the...