Just want to make sure, that Fortinet is aware
From 2024-07-03 19:00 till 2024-07-04 05:00 (CEST) we experienced IPS
blockage of nearly all traffic on our 200F with IPS FG-VD-56112.0day.
I'm pretty sure it was in issue within the database from Fortinet. Does
anybody else experienced this? Since i...
Hi there, how can a playbook be made so that it connects to the actual
primary of an ha cluster? It seems that one can only chose one FortiOS
Connector that is bound to a specific serial number and not to a HA
cluster. So if the device i bound it to ...
from time to time FortiManager 7.4.3 tries to "modify" my CLI template
from "config system global" to "config 1 system global" when pushing to
FortiGate Firewall 60F/100F/200F. I can force this error by "retrieve
config" and pushing "policy package A...
Hi there, some of my users are seeing this message, while others are
totally accessing the page without issues. Once i restart the firewall
(7.4.3) ALL users/ips are able to access the page without issues - so
it's nothing related to a wrong policy (...
Totally right, but FG 70F for example has 4GB of RAM. And you stated
"And, yes, all desktop form factor FGT models, except for FGT 120G, will
NOT have SSL VPN anymore in 7.4.6 and 7.6.1 and later." So i was getting
really really nervous
can you verify that SSL VPN is discontinued on ALL models below
120(F/G). Where is this documented, where can i verify this information?
Based one the changelog it only affects 90G. What models will support
SSL VPN. Do you have more detailed informat...
You are exceeding your license - this is for sure. But those dates and
the "daily gb" seems to be buggy hard coded, cause i see them on ALL
installations always with the same dates :) So i guess you can ignore
them, but when you click on the "thre ba...
Your solution was as bad as ours (i know it still helped) :D Firewall
without IPS or without "high" IPS --- hmmmm.... The question i'm commig
to. Is there a way to roll back the IPS database. One can download only
the newest version from the FG websi...
Hi @mpapisetty 1) the difference was the targeting domain. google.com
for example was blocked outgoing (on a rule that had IPS enabled);
incoming traffic: 80% of our domains were blocked; 20% of the domains
(pointing to the same Virtual IP) were just...