FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 210215
Description This article describes how to troubleshoot queries related to alertmail in FortiGate.
Scope FortiOS.

In this scenario, alertemail is already configured but nothing is received.


In case it is not configured, it is possible to follow this document and configure automation stitch as per requirement:

CLI script action


The flow of alertmail.


Initially, alertmail will be triggered, firewall will try to send email to the destination mail server as per the configuration made under System -> Settings.


  1. As soon as automation stritch is triggered, go to Log & report -> Events  -> System Events (saying that automation stritch is triggered).

  2. Verify the configuration of the email server, made under System -> Settings.


  • If port 25 is used, SMTP security must be set to none.
  • If port 587  or port 465 is used, SMTP security must be set to SMTPS or STARTTLS.

Once the changes have been made, it is still not possible to send an email:

Try to take a sniffer with that specific port:


diag sniffer packet any 'port 587 or port 25' 4 0 a


Observe the traffic flow, if it is going only outside and there are no IN packets, it means it is necessary to check at the next hop level.

  1. Run the alert email debug to verify if the email is sent successfully:


diagnose debug reset

diagnose debug enable

diagnose debug console timestamp enable

diagnose debug application alertmail -1


The final step, is there are some mail servers when the mail is coming from 'no reply' they will filter the emails.


It is possible to configure email from the field using this article under (automation system action):

Technical Tip: How to change the 'FROM' email address field when an automatic stitch is triggered

Related documents:
Troubleshooting Tip: Email alert