FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 191363


This article describes that when an automatic stitch is triggered the email comes from

Also, describes two methods to configure email alerts:
- Automation stitches.
- Alert emails.


The ‘From:’ field is picked up from email alert settings config of 'server':


# config system email-server
    set reply-to "noreply@forti.lab"
    set server ""  <--- The MAIL FROM is derived from here.
    set port 465
    set authenticate enable
    set username "fortigate-smtp"
    set password **********
    set security smtps


Note: The 'MAIL FROM' is not picked up with the 'reply-to', which is another regular SMTP field.

However, to make sure the correct email address in ‘From:’ field when an automatic stitch is triggered then make the below changes:


# config system automation-action
    edit "Config Change_email"
        set action-type email
        set email-to "admin@forti.lab" ""
        set email-subject "Configuration Change Detected"
        set email-from yyyyyy        <----- Set the email address here.


Note: The 'MAIL FROM' addresses domain (user@domain.TLD) must be known to the SMTP server as its managed domain, otherwise the email will likely get rejected with an error that relaying is not permitted.


Make sure that email alerts settings are configured as below document:
