FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 366195

This article highlights the specific case of IPSec encryption offloading failure on FortiGate. 

Scope FortiGate.

The following debug logs demonstrate an offloading failure during an IPSec encryption process:


2024-12-22 11:57:03 id=65308 trace_id=363 func=nipsec_set_ipsec_sa_enc line=933 msg="Trying to offload IPsec encrypt SA (p1/p2/spi={004-IPSEC-018/004-IPSEC-018/0x72a21ed3}), npudev=1, skb-dev=BGP004-024"

2024-12-22 11:57:03 id=65308 trace_id=363 func=nipsec_set_ipsec_sa_enc line=967 msg="IPsec encrypt SA (p1/p2/spi={004-IPSEC-018/004-IPSEC-018/0x72a21ed3}) offloadingfailed, err=14, flag/id={0/0, 0/0, 0/0}"


  • offloadingfailed, err=14 indicates that the FortiGate hardware was unable to offload the encryption process for the specified Security Association (SA).
  • This failure typically occurs due to hardware resource limitations, incompatible configurations, or unsupported algorithms.
  • When offloading fails, encryption falls back to software processing, which may lead to increased CPU utilization and reduced performance.

Disable Offload: 

Disabling offload can resolve this issue by bypassing the hardware for IPSec processing.


To disable IPSec offloading for a specific tunnel, use the following CLI command:


config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
    edit <phase1-name>
        set npu-offload disable


  • The offloading failure (offloadingfailed, err=14) will no longer occur as the FortiGate will handle encryption in software.
  • Software-based processing is slower and may lead to high CPU utilization under heavy traffic.


  • Ensure that the encryption and authentication algorithms used in the IPSec tunnel are supported by the FortiGate.
  • Check hardware resource utilization to confirm if NP4, NP6 or NP7 are overloaded.
  • If resource limitations persist, consider upgrading to a higher-performance FortiGate model with greater offloading capacity.

Related articles:
Technical Tip: How to check if NP6 is overloaded
Troubleshooting Tip: NPU configuration commands (NP4, NP6, NP7)
Technical Tip: Network Processors (NP) / Hardware Acceleration Processors