FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 194652


This article describes some of the NPU diagnostics options for models with NP4 or NP6 network processors.
NP6 also has configurable options that therefore remain after a reboot (unlike most diagnostic options).


FortiGate with NP processors (See the model list here: Technical Tip: Hardware Acceleration Processors).



The following output is for FortiOS versions (6.4-7.4). Additional options implemented:
FortiGate # diag npu np6
fastpath Configure fastpath
monitor-hpe Monitor HPE setting and host queue status counters without packet dropping.
hpe Show HPE setting and host queue status counters.
dce Show non-zero subengine drop counters.
dce-all Show all subengine drop counters.
anomaly-drop Show non-zero L3/L4 anomaly check drop counters.
anomaly-drop-all Show all L3/L4 anomaly check drop counters.
hrx-drop Show non-zero host interface drop counters.
hrx-drop-all Show all host interface drop counters.
session-stats Show session offloading statistics counters
session-stats-clear Clear sesssion offloading statistics counters
sse-stats Show hardware session statistics counters
sse-stats-clear Clear hardware session statistics counters
sse-latch-debug Latch SSE debug
sse-register Show NP6 SSE registers
pdq Show packet buffer queue counters
xgmac-stats Show XGMAC MIBs counters
xgmac-stats-clear Clear XGMAC MIBS counters
hardware-cap Show hardware capability defintions
port-list Show port list
portmod Show port group info.
ipsec-stats Show IPsec offloading statistics
ipsec-stats-clear Clear IPsec offloading statistics
eeprom-read Read NP6 EEPROM
npu-feature Show NPU feature and status
register Show NP6 registers
synproxy-stats Show synproxy statistics.
sse-purge-drift Clean up idle sessions in SSE.
sse-drift-summary Show SSE session drift summary.
cwp-frame-chk-act Set CAPWAP frame check actions. [Take 0-3 arg(s)]
show-cwp-undersize-act Show CAPWAP undersize frame check actions.
hbq-stats Show NP6 HBQ stats
hbq-stats-clear Clear NP6 HBQ stats
FGT (global) # diag npu np7
info Show chip information.

cgmac-stats Show/clear CGMAC MIBs counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-drop-all Show/clear all drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-eif-drop Show/clear EIF IHP drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-htx-drop Show/clear HTX IHP drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-ipti-drop Show/clear IPTI IHP drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-l2ti-drop Show/clear L2TI IHP drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-dfr-drop Show/clear DFR IHP drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-xhp-drop Show/clear XHP IHP drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-l2p-drop Show/clear L2P IHP drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-hif-drop Show/clear HIF drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-sse-drop Show/clear SSE drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dce-ipsec-drop Show/clear IPSec drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dsw-drop-all Show/clear DSW drop counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dsw-drop-by-src Show/clear DSW drop counters by source modules. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dsw-drop-by-dst Show/clear DSW drop counters by destination modules. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dsw-ingress-stats Show/clear DSW ingress counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
dsw-egress-stats Show/clear DSW egress counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
hif-stats Show/clear host queue counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
mas Show DDR memory access module (MAS) information. [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
msgq Show message queue configurations. [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
np-port Show NP port status.
pdq Show packet descriptor queue counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
pba Show packet buffer counters. [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
pmon Show engine performance monitor counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
port-list Show port list.
phy-status Show PHY status.
sse-stats Show session search engine counters. [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
session-offload-stats Show/Clear session offload error counters. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
system-config Show system level driver configurations.
sw-np-que Show the queue counters on those switch ports which connected to the current NP [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
dvlan-mode-list list DVLAN mode info
cmd Command counters
msg Message counters
mswm Message Switch Module
getreg Read NP7 registers. [Take 0-3 arg(s)]
setreg Write NP7 registers. [Take 0-3 arg(s)]
listreg List NP7 registers. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
listtbl List NP7 configuration tables. [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
readtbl Read NP7 configuration table. [Take 0-4 arg(s)]
init-params Show driver initialization parameters.
show-dsw-dts-profile Show NP7 dsw dts profile table. [Take 0-4 arg(s)]
show-dsw-qtbl Read NP7 configuration table. [Take 0-4 arg(s)]
vep-mode Set VEP mode. [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
intf-clear-stats Clear interface statistics counters. [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
intf-clear-err Clear interface error counters. [Take 0-1 arg(s)]
dvlan-mode Set DVLAN mode.
hpe Show np7 hpe host queue packet type shaper status. [Take 0-2 arg(s)]
monitor-hpe Monitor HPE setting and host queue status counters without packet dropping.
ipl ipl cmds [Take 0-20 arg(s)]
NP7 config:

FGT (global) # config system npu

FGT (npu) # set
dedicated-management-cpu Enable to dedicate one CPU for GUI and CLI connections when NPs are busy.
ipsec-ob-np-sel IPsec NP selection for OB SA offloading.
npu-group-effective-scope npu-group-effective-scope defines under which npu-group cmds such as list/purge will be excecuted. Default scope is for all four HS-ok groups. (0-3, default = 255).
policy-offload-level Configure firewall policy offload level.
napi-break-interval NAPI break interval (default 0).
capwap-offload Enable/disable offloading managed FortiAP and FortiLink CAPWAP sessions.
default-qos-type Set default QoS type.
shaping-stats Enable/disable NP7 traffic shaping statistics (default = disable).
gtp-support Enable/Disable NP7 GTP support
per-session-accounting Set per-session accounting.
session-acct-interval Session accounting update interval (1 - 10 sec, default 5 sec).
per-policy-accounting Set per-policy accounting.
max-session-timeout Maximum time interval for refreshing NPU-offloaded sessions (10 - 1000 sec, default 40 sec).
hash-tbl-spread Enable/disable hash table entry spread (default enabled).
vlan-lookup-cache Enable/disable vlan lookup cache (default enabled).
ip-fragment-offload Enable/disable NP7 NPU IP fragment offload.
htx-icmp-csum-chk Set HTX icmp csum checking mode.
htab-msg-queue Set hash table message queue mode.
htab-dedi-queue-nr Set the number of dedicate queue for hash table messages.
qos-mode QoS mode on switch and NP.
inbound-dscp-copy-port Physical interfaces that support inbound-dscp-copy.
double-level-mcast-offload Enable double level mcast offload.
qtm-buf-mode QTM channel configuration for packet buffer.

The following output is for older versions.
FortiOS 5.0:
NP4 options:

FGT # diagnose npu np4
list            Display all NP4 devices
fastpath        Configure fastpath
load-balance    Configure load balance
stats           View NP4 device stats
register        View NP4 registers
pdq             View NP4 queue stats
dce             View NP4 drop table
dce-reset       Clear NP4 drop table
flowtrace       Configure NP4 flow trace
eeprom-read     Read NP4 EEPROM
elbc-bind       Bind ELBC interface to VLAN

FGT # diagnose npu np6
anomaly-drop           Show non-zero L3/L4 anomaly check drop counters.
anomaly-drop-all       Show all L3/L4 anomaly check drop counters.
dce                    Show non-zero subengine drop counters.
dce-all                Show all subengine drop counters.
debug-console          Access debug console
eeprom-read            Read NP6 EEPROM
fastpath               Configure fastpath
hrx-drop               Show non-zero host interface drop counters.
hrx-drop-all           Show all host interface drop counters.
ipsec-stats            Show IPsec offloading statistics
ipsec-stats-clear      Clear IPsec offloading statistics
npu-feature            Show NPU feature and status
pdq                    Show packet buffer queue counters
phy-debug              Enable/disable PHY debug
port-list              Show port list
register               Show NP6 registers
session-stats          Show session offloading statistics counters
session-stats-clear    Clear sesssion offloading statistics counters
sse-stats              Show hardware session statistics counters
sse-stats-clear        Show hardware session statistics counters
xgmac-stats            Show XGMAC MIBs counters
xgmac-stats-clear      Clear XGMAC MIBS counters
Moreover there is a specific NP6 system configuration:

FGT # config system np6
FGT (np6) # edit np6_0
FGT (np6_0) # get
name                : np6_0
fastpath            : enable
low-latency-mode    : disable
per-session-accounting: disable
garbage-session-collector: disable
session-collector-interval: 8
session-timeout-interval: 40
session-timeout-random-range: 8
session-timeout-fixed: disable
    tcp-syn-fin         : allow
    tcp-fin-noack       : trap-to-host
    tcp-fin-only        : trap-to-host
    tcp-no-flag         : allow
    tcp-syn-data        : allow
    tcp-winnuke         : trap-to-host
    tcp-land            : trap-to-host
    udp-land            : trap-to-host
    icmp-land           : trap-to-host
    icmp-frag           : allow
    ipv4-land           : trap-to-host
    ipv4-proto-err      : trap-to-host
    ipv4-unknopt        : trap-to-host
    ipv4-optrr          : trap-to-host
    ipv4-optssrr        : trap-to-host
    ipv4-optlsrr        : trap-to-host
    ipv4-optstream      : trap-to-host
    ipv4-optsecurity    : trap-to-host
    ipv4-opttimestamp   : trap-to-host
    ipv6-land           : trap-to-host
    ipv6-proto-err      : trap-to-host
    ipv6-unknopt        : trap-to-host
    ipv6-saddr-err      : trap-to-host
    ipv6-daddr-err      : trap-to-host
    ipv6-optralert      : trap-to-host
    ipv6-optjumbo       : trap-to-host
    ipv6-opttunnel      : trap-to-host
    ipv6-opthomeaddr    : trap-to-host
    ipv6-optnsap        : trap-to-host
    ipv6-optendpid      : trap-to-host
    ipv6-optinvld       : trap-to-host
The following output is for FortiOS 5.2.2:

fw1 # diag npu np6
fastpath                 Configure fastpath
dce                      Show non-zero subengine drop counters.
dce-all                  Show all subengine drop counters.
anomaly-drop             Show non-zero L3/L4 anomaly check drop counters.
anomaly-drop-all         Show all L3/L4 anomaly check drop counters.
hrx-drop                 Show non-zero host interface drop counters.
hrx-drop-all             Show all host interface drop counters.
session-stats            Show session offloading statistics counters
session-stats-clear      Clear sesssion offloading statistics counters
sse-stats                Show hardware session statistics counters
sse-stats-clear          Show hardware session statistics counters
pdq                      Show packet buffer queue counters
xgmac-stats              Show XGMAC MIBs counters
xgmac-stats-clear        Clear XGMAC MIBS counters
gmac-stats               Show GMAC MIBs counters
gmac-stats-clear         Clear GMAC MIBS counters
gige-port-stats          Show GIGE PORT MIBs counters
gige-port-stats-clear    Clear GIGE PORT MIBs counters
port-list                Show port list
ipsec-stats              Show IPsec offloading statistics
ipsec-stats-clear        Clear IPsec offloading statistics
eeprom-read              Read NP6 EEPROM
npu-feature              Show NPU feature and status
register                 Show NP6 registers
debug                    general debug

fw1 # config system np6
fw1 (np6) # edit
name    Device Name.
fw1 (np6) # edit np6_0
fw1 (np6_0) # set
fastpath                        Enable/disable fast path.
per-session-accounting          Per-session accounting.
garbage-session-collector       Garbage session collector.
session-collector-interval      Garbage session collection clean-up interval(1 - 100 sec, default 64).
session-timeout-interval        NPU session timeout interval(0 - 1000 sec, default 40).
session-timeout-random-range    NPU session timeout randomization range(0 - 1000 sec, default 8).
session-timeout-fixed           NPU session timeout at fixed intervals.