FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 332501
Description This article describes how to manually bring the site-to-site IPsec VPN tunnel UP if no active traffic passing through the tunnel.
Scope FortiGate, v7.0.x, v7.2.x and v7.4.x.

When an IPsec tunnel is configured and no active user/device is available to generate traffic across the tunnel, it is possible to bring the tunnel manually up to test if both sites have matching parameters and configurations.


GUI method 1:

Go to Dashboard -> Network -> IPsec.



Select Bring Up -> All Phase2 Selectors.




GUI method 2:

Go to Dashboard -> IPsec Monitor-> IPsec.


Screenshot 2024-08-13 170517.png


Select Bring Up -> All Phase2 Selectors.


Screenshot 2024-08-13 170705.png


GUI method 3:

Go to VPN -> IPsec Tunnels and select 'Inactive' under Status. Another window will pop up, then it will be possible to right-click on the tunnel and select Bring Up. 






CLI method:


execute vpn ipsec tunnel up <Phase2 name>
diag vpn tunnel up <phase2 name>

If the IPsec tunnel Phase2 went up, it means that the configuration is correct and has matching parameters with the peer. If the tunnel fails to go up, check and verify if the configuration is correct on both sides.


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