This article describes how to update a certificate that is already installed on a FortiGate without the need to generate a new CSR first.
This is typically done when the certificate currently installed on the FortiGate has expired.
When the CA renews the certificate using the same public/private key pair as the original certificate.
When a CSR is created on the FortiGate it will generate two "things": the CSR itself, and a matching private key.
When the signed certificate is uploaded for the first time, it was matched to the private key.
After certificate expires, in FortiGate can be found the private key and the "old" certificate as an object in "config vpn certificate local", unless it is already deleted.
Assuming that there isn't sent any new CSR to CA, that implies that the new certificate CA Authority provided, still matches the 'old' private key.
The goal is to have the old privkey + new certificate in a single object in the FortiGate configuration.
That can be achieved by one of the two methods described below:
- Manually edit the old/existing object and replace the old 'set certificate' value with the new one.
- Upload the privkey and the new certificate as a new object. For that, it is needed to export the private key out of the configuration, which can only be done if the password is known for the private key. (if the password is set manually during CSR generation and still remembered, this can be done; otherwise, it is not possible)
This procedure can only be done through the command line interface (CLI) of the FortiGate.
- Open the renewed certificate (provided by the CA) in text editor and copy the content.
Note that regardless of certificate's file extension, the certificate must be PEM encoded, not DER encoded. If it is DER encoded, the words 'BEGIN CERTIFICATE' or 'END CERTIFICATE' will not be visible.
- Connect to the FortiGate unit via SSH to import the new signed certificate.
If the user is on Multi-VDOM, the commands must be run on the Global VDOM.
config global
config certificate local
edit [certificate name]
set certificate <- Insert a quotation mark ("), then press Enter and paste the certificate content. Insert another quotation mark (") and press Enter. Note that Notepad might insert a carriage return, resulting in an invalid command. Consider using Notepad++ to copy the PEM file contents.
Standalone VDOM:
config vpn certificate local
edit [certificate name]
set certificate <- Insert a quotation mark ("), then press Enter and paste the certificate content. Insert another quotation mark (") and press Enter. Note that Notepad might insert a carriage return, resulting in an invalid command. Consider using Notepad++ to copy the PEM file contents.
For example:
config global
config certificate local
edit server <- A previous certificate which is about to or has expired.
set certificate "
> mPjDQDYkYHKcTrGa6aH7e1w1uM7kdaBAjyAgM7xcmuTrsCeLYfd+BwIDAQABo4ID
> -----END CERTIFICATE-----"
Standalone VDOM:
config vpn certificate local
edit "certname" (previous certificate which is about to or has expired)
set certificate "
> mPjDQDYkYHKcTrGa6aH7e1w1uM7kdaBAjyAgM7xcmuTrsCeLYfd+BwIDAQABo4ID
> -----END CERTIFICATE-----"
- To make the renewed certificate effective, check on where the certificate is used "linked" unset and set the certificate:

- For an Admin HTTPS server certificate:
config system global
unset admin-server-cert
config sys global
set admin-server-cert [name] <- Select the certificated used for admin HTTPS access.
- For certificates used for SSL VPN:
config vpn ssl setting
unset servercert
config vpn ssl setting
set servercert [certificate name] <-Select the certificated used for SSLVPN access.
Unsetting or editing servercert will cause FortiGate to disconnect all connected SSL VPN users.
Verify the renewed certificate: