FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 195725


This article describes how to activate FortiGate Cloud from GUI and enable logging to it.







To activate the FortiGate Cloud account:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Status.
  2. In the FortiGate Cloud widget, select 'Not Activated/ Activate' button in the Status field.
  3. A pane will open asking  to register the FortiGate Cloud account.

  1. A second dialogue window open , asking to enter your information to confirm the account.
This sends a confirmation email to the registered email.
The dashboard widget then updates to show that confirmation is required.
  1. Open the email, and follow the confirmation link it contains.
    A FortiGate Cloud page will open, stating that the account has been confirmed.
The Activation Pending message on the dashboard will change to state the type of account, and will provide a link to the FortiGate Cloud portal.
There are additionally methods to enable Fortigate cloud within the Fortigate:
Method 1: Activate through System Settings:
  1. Navigate to System -> Settings in the FortiGate GUI.
  2. Under the 'Single Sign-On' section, select 'Activate'.
  3. A new window will appear, prompting you to activate the FortiGate Cloud account. Provide the email, password, and domain.


Method 2: Activate through FortiGuard:
  1. Navigate to System -> FortiGuard in the FortiGate GUI.
  2. Select 'Activate'.
  3. A new window will open, requiring to activate of the FortiGate Cloud account. Provide the email, password, and domain.


Method 3: Activate through Security Fabric:
  1. Navigate to Security Fabric -> Fabric Connectors in the FortiGate GUI.
  2. Select 'Central Management'.
  3. In the 'Central Management Settings' window, set the status to 'Enabled'.
  4. Choose the type 'FortiGate Cloud' and select 'Activate'.
  5. A new window will appear, prompting to activate the FortiGate Cloud account. Provide the email, password, and domain.


Method 4: Activate through CLI:

  1. Execute the following:

execute fortiguard-log login <email> <password> <domain>


The domain list can be acquired with the following command:


execute fortiguard-log domain


To enable logging to FortiGate Cloud:
  1. Go to Security Fabric -> Settings or Log & Report -> Log Settings.
  2. Enable 'Cloud Logging'.
  3. Select an upload option: Realtime, Every Minute, or Every 5 Minutes (default).
    Select 'Apply'.

Extra Troubleshooting Tips for FortiGate Cloud: