FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 194815


This article describes how to check where and how an object is being used via either the GUI or CLI.

Related Fortinet Documentation:

Troubleshooting Tip: Verifying FortiGate configuration object references and dependencies






In the GUI:

In various locations of the GUI, look for the column 'Ref.'


To view the location of the referenced object, select the number in the 'Ref.' column, and the Object Usage window will appear, displaying the various locations of the referenced object:

To view more information about how the object is being used, select one of the following icons available within the Object Usage window:


  1. 'View List' – automatically redirects to the list page where the object is referenced at.



After selecting View List:


  1. 'Edit' – modifies settings within that particular setting that the object is referenced with.


After selecting Edit:


  1. 'View Properties' – shows a table, similar to the log viewer table, that contains information about what settings are configured within that particular setting the object is referenced with.


After selecting View Properties:

On the CLI:


diagnose sys cmdb refcnt show <path.object.mkey> 




show full-configuration | grep -f wan1




diagnose sys cmdb refcnt show wan1
entry used by table system.interface:name 'VPN_Winds_1'
entry used by table vpn.ipsec.phase1-interface:name 'VPN_Winds_1'
entry used by child table dstintf:name 'wan1' of table firewall.policy:policyid '1'
entry used by child table dstintf:name 'wan1' of table firewall.policy:policyid '2'
entry used by table router.static:seq-num '1'


Related article:

Troubleshooting Tip: verifying FortiGate configuration objects references and dependencies with the ....