Description | This article describes how to troubleshoot high CPU issues when log_se is high. |
Scope | FortiGate, FortiVM. |
Solution |
There are scenarios in which if user is using disk for logging & if disk rollover is not happening as per the settings. Log_se process may go high as below.
diag sys top 1 10
Run the command 'get sys perf status', 'dia sys mpstat', and 'dia sys top 1 10' to see in which area the load is present consistently. The output will be something as below (depending on the number of cores the unit has):
The first line 'CPU states:' shows the average load across all CPU cores.
get sys perf stat
diag sys top 1 10
There are chances that the firewall disk is not functioning correctly if log_se is high. Try disabling the log_se as a temporary workaround. It is possible to perform a failover and see if another firewall disk is healthy or to format the disk for the fix if suspect issue with the disk malfunctioning.
Log to be collected:
CLI Session (1) get sys perf status diag sys top 2 50 diag sys mpstat 2
For disk logging related debug:
diagnose debug reset
Monitor CPU utilization of 'log_se' processes from FortiGate CLI Session (1) and then stop debugging once the processes are gone and the CPU is back in a normal state.
Collect the below logs to verify the disk log storage.
fnsysctl ls -l /var/log/log/root |