This article describes a dial-up IPsec tunnel configuration in which the user authenticates using user credentials and 2FA using FortiToken Mobile.
FortiToken Mobile.
config user local
edit "test-user"
set type password
set two-factor fortitoken
set fortitoken "FTKMxxxx"
set email-to ""
This user can be any type of user to which a FortiToken can be applied. For example, it can be a type LDAP user as well.
config user group
edit "test-group"
set member "test-user"
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit "Test-Dialup"
set type dynamic
set interface "wan1"
set keylife 28800
set mode aggressive
set peertype one
set net-device enable
set mode-cfg enable
set ipv4-dns-server1
set proposal aes128-sha1
set dpd on-idle
set dhgrp 5
set xauthtype auto
set authusrgrp "test-group"
set peerid "test"
set ipv4-start-ip
set ipv4-end-ip
set psksecret fortinet
edit "Test-Dialup"
set phase1name "Test-Dialup"
set proposal aes128-sha256
set dhgrp 5
set keylifeseconds 28800
config firewall policy
edit 1
set srcintf "Test-Dialup"
set dstintf "internal"
set action accept
set srcaddr "all"
set dstaddr "all"
set schedule "always"
set service "ALL"
set logtraffic all
For detailed steps of Dialup Full IPsec tunnel, refer to: Technical Tip: IPSec dial-up full tunnel with FortiClient
The same steps can be applied in the case of Split Dialup IPsec tunnel as well. For details steps of split dialup IPsec tunnel, refer to:
Technical Note: FortiClient Dialup IPsec VPN (Split Tunneling)
The client can connect to the dialup IPsec tunnel after providing the correct FortiToken:
name=Test-Dialup_0 ver=1 serial=28 172.17.x.x:4500->10.21.x.x:64917 tun_id=172.58.x.x tun_id6=::10.0.x.x dst_mtu=1500 dpd-link=on weight=1
bound_if=6 lgwy=static/1 tun=intf mode=dial_inst/3 encap=none/66488 options[103b8]=npu create_dev rgwy-chg rport-chg frag-rfc role=primary accept_traffic=1 overlay_id=0
parent=Test-Dialup index=0
proxyid_num=1 child_num=0 refcnt=5 ilast=1 olast=1 ad=/0
stat: rxp=2 txp=0 rxb=15664 txb=0
dpd: mode=on-idle on=1 idle=20000ms retry=3 count=0 seqno=1
natt: mode=silent draft=32 interval=10 remote_port=64917
fec: egress=0 ingress=0
proxyid=Test-Dialup proto=0 sa=1 ref=2 serial=1 add-route
src: 0:
dst: 0:
SA: ref=4 options=2a6 type=00 soft=0 mtu=1422 expire=53/0B replaywin=1024
seqno=1 esn=0 replaywin_lastseq=00000002 qat=0 rekey=0 hash_search_len=1
life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=109/120
dec: spi=63bb038c esp=aes key=16 a9363909df9058f95eb92c59eff23bb2
ah=sha1 key=20 b3c1d0d3bf1ada2e679ad95012c098a7a784f2b2
enc: spi=cf9c2e82 esp=aes key=16 2e727cb0ff4acd793ae3814b4456a21b
ah=sha1 key=20 4b09c555a5695fdadb45f5240c4b3bc01a3bb312
dec:pkts/bytes=4/15994, enc:pkts/bytes=0/0
npu_flag=02 npu_rgwy=10.21.x.x npu_lgwy=172.17.x.x npu_selid=1e dec_npuid=1 enc_npuid=0
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