FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 344408
Description This article describes how to block application signatures based on the Risk severity of the application.
Scope FortiGate v7.x.x.

To achieve this:




  1. Go to 'Security Profiles'.
  2. Select 'Application Control'. 
  3. Select the Existing or the 'New' Application Sensor for this configuration.
  4. Create 'New Override' under 'Application and Filter Overrides'.
  5. Select type 'Filter' and Action 'Block' 
  6. Hit '+' to add values
  7. Under the 'RISK' entry, Entries should be selected based on the requirement.
  8. Press 'OK' to make that save.


application control.png


  1. Press 'OK' to make that save for the application sensor.


To block application signatures by severity, ensure the Application Sensor is enabled in the relevant Firewall-policy configuration.


Related document:

Basic category filters and overrides