FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 209503
Description This article describes how to configure timeout to make the primary HA unit wait before the secondary HA unit is considered upgraded.
Scope FortiGate version 7.0.2 and onwards.

An uninterrupted upgrade occurs without interrupting communication in the cluster.

By default cluster firmware upgrades proceed as uninterruptable upgrades that do not interrupt traffic flow.

In earlier versions, during the upgrade with the default HA settings (uninterruptible-upgrade enabled) Master sends firmware image to Slave and waits for approximately 12 minutes only and starts the Master upgrade, it is okay for small configuration but if the configuration is large, which requires more time and slave is still in process and 'System is starting' it will Interrupt the traffic, so to resolve this a new feature was added with 7.0.2.


# config system ha
    set uninterruptible-primary-wait <integer>

Configure a timeout value in minutes (1 - 300, default = 30) where the primary HA unit waits before the secondary HA unit is considered upgraded.

Change this setting uninterruptable upgrades take too much time.

# config system ha

    set uninterruptible-upgrade disable


'uninterruptible-upgrade' is enabled by default.

If it is disabled, the cluster still upgrades the firmware on all cluster units, but all cluster units are upgraded at once.



If interruptible upgrade is enable with the above command 'set uninterruptible-upgrade disable' it will interrupt traffic flow because all Cluster units are upgrading at the same time.

