Hi! First post.I recently got into a Fortigate 40f and then quickly
upgraded to a 60f (not a waste; I have another use coming up for the
40f). I have the Fortigate connected to multiple WANs (in SD-WAN), PC,
TV/chromecast and a WAP. I'm also connecte...
Ok, thanks. Yeah I was just referring to my physical layout originally
described. I have two places to network together about 80ft apart. The
FGT and my two WAN connections are in one room with a WAP, PC and
TV/Chromecast and the other room (80ft awa...
Ok, fair enough. I'm actually now considering a thrid switch in the
stack to be placed at the FGT. I would need three cables between "rooms"
in that case: One for cross-stack uplink member and two for stack links
between switches. I can make the cabl...
Redundancy is the main concern, yes. Can you please provide a bit more
info on what you mean by layer 3 routed ports? I want everything in a
flat network between the FGT lan and the cisco stack. Would that fulfill
the need?
Thanks. I wish I had some hard data to gauge how much I'm losing with
the software switch. I will already have to use PPPoE for my internet
when I get gigabit fiber soon and I know that is not offloaded. So the
software switch could sink me....or may...
Sure, I get it. My physical layout makes it supremely advantageous to
use the LAN ports on the Fortigate though. Its a bummer I can't have a
flat network and still use a LAG.