hello,I have a question about config left by our previous admin in our
compny. We have two VLANs (100 - Users and 200 - Servers)As DNS server
for users in vlan100 we have set IP of our AD Server in vlan 200, and AD
Server use google DNS to resolve ex...
Hello,I have issue with RIA by Tunnel in case of main WAN link is down
or IP SLA is not meet... I have two sites (MAIN and SMALL) and FGTs 100F
in each. This SMALL Site has three interfaces:WAN1 - Internet
accessIPSec Tunnel0 - P2P Link between sites...
hello,I tried to find why my app (classic client-server SQL app, SQL
Server on Server, application installed on clients) is working slow over
Local network (between two VLANs). Fotigate has policy between VLAN
10(client) and VLAN 20 (server) but no s...
Hello,I have FGT cluster and connected to it 10 FortiSwitches by
Fortilink - and it's working as should. I added new FortiSwitch, and
strang issue I have. When I diconnect my laptop from old switch and
connect them to new switch, link is up but no tr...
hello,I have issue (maybe wrong configured) with my SDWAN.We have one
site with only one Direct Internet connection (let's say SITE-R) and
second link (as dark fiber) to Main Site (let's say SITE-M) and IPSec
tunnel configured on this darkfiber. And ...
Hello,I have chacked the logs: for example: for this
requestautodiscover-s.outlook.comResponse was that: page belong to
category Unrated and returned IP was but normaly this page
is in category which is allowed.Category: Web-based Email...
Hello,Thank you for info.I asked about this config because i have issue
with DNS filter.Today i saw that lot of DNS reponds (A records) in
VLAN200 to to ‘Fortinet Secure DNS service Portal( - some
MS Google etc. pages , so I removed DN...
Hello,@saleha . so as action plan I should.1.set snat-route-change
enable2.Set IP on both IPSec tunnels correct ??During setting these
options i will break some connections ?? Thanks