Hello, I've come across fgt100d HA installation where internal Ip
doesn't show in tracerouteWhat I get.>tracert -d 1 1 ms 2 ms 1
ms 2 4 ms 3 ms 3 ms ^C What I would like to
get>tracert -d 1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 192.168.10...
Hello, Having a new deployment with couple of dozen FGates +FMG. FG300c
– v5.0,build0128 (GA) FMG 200d – v5.0-build0076 121101 (GA) ADOM
version is set to 5.0 As it’s a new installation – figured out to
roll straight with the newest FortiOS. ...
adikad wrote:with new FortiOS5.4 you can now have a scheduled auto
config backup ! Is it possible to run script only upon
configuration changes or revision saves.This would make more sense if
there are units with occasional changes.
Thanks for looking into this. 1st trace issued from windows, should be
ICMP 3rd while testing: set allowaccess ping https snmp http fgfm As
from your trace with UDP it's obviously blocked, therefore showing * * *
In my scenario - hop simply doesn't s...