We have deployed the new sip gateway behind our firewall(FortiGate).As
per suggested by Fortinet I have enabled the VoIP profile on firewall
policy to protect the network from SIP attacks.I just wanted to
understand how SIP ALG protects the network f...
Hi, We have 300C with us. In recent vulnerability scan we found that
device firmware is vulnerable and device is not capable of upgrading
firmware to 5.4.x or more. As per fortinet fix has been released in
5.4.6 and more. We have recently purchased t...
Hi all, I have 3 VDOM in fortigate and wanted to reboot the slave
firewall. Can anyone help me with how can I achieve this with out an
impact. Note: Both firewall in Active-Active mode. Regards, Nishad
hi, I am trying to take row log backup of my primary Fortigate log disk.
Fortigate failed to backup vdom root. Connect to ftp server 1x.xx.xx.x
... Error: Sending log file /var/log/root/rlog.xxxx to ftp server via
vdom root failed. Please wait... Con...
This is the issue with the firmware v6.0.0. I too had faced the same
issue, for the workaround, I have created a web filter profile with the
website's allowed along with all category in the block state and allow
the urls that you want to allow in sta...
Hi thx for the reply.. I am trying to take raw log backup to FTP. The
command is as follows. execute backup disk alllogs ftp
[xx.xx.xx.xx]:[xxxx] ftp_username ftp_password. FGT has route for the
ftp server and I am able to ping to it. some file were ...